chaper 1

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"part of your cumpplet brekfest" sed buzz on the tv.bary 8 the last sponful of his huny nut cherios b4 goig upptsairs. bary slamd his dor and ogt out his razer blad and stared too cut himslf.

"ill nevr hav some1 as perfet as buzz" bary sed 2 himsfl as he cut ddepr. suddnely his dor opend. IT WAS BUZZ!!1111

"oh em bee is it rly u" askd bary. buzz inchd closr 2 barry and took of his shit. "ya" he sed.

"u shoudlnt hurt urs;d evr thats nto ok" buzz sed sexily as he throo barrys blad on th flor

"fuck me" bary sed, tooking of his turtlnek.

"ok" he startd 2 put his tung down my mouuth and put his hnd o nmy stignr.

"oh yes buzz that fells so god" i almsot had an organism

buz gott out his huny wand and pput it in my mouth. it taste like huny!!11

he started 2 u-no-wat with my stignr & it fel good

sud;nlhy buz stratd 2 moan.

"im ggona honey nut!!11" he sed as i put my motuh on his u-no-wat.

theyre wsa huny al over my fac and thoracs. it wa s very stiky.

"thank u buzz whn wil i c u aagin?/"

"cum c me 2mrpw ill bee (geddit coz hes abee) att the tv place"


Bee Mine (Barry bee x Cheerios Buzz bee)Where stories live. Discover now