o n e - a u d r e y

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Imagine being Emma's sister and going to a party where you see Audrey, your crush, and try to catch her attention.

You gripped the cup fill with some type of alcohol in your hands as you looked around the room fill with hormonal teenager and loud music.

Another one of Nina's fantastic parties is where you sister, Emma, had dragged you to. She had dissappeared from your sight as soon as she stepped through the door, leaving you to fend for yourself.

Nina had made small conversation with you, but you were in no mood to talk bad about others and shopping.

Your eyes landed on a specific individual. Audrey Jensen. The bi-curious girl, as of rumored. As for you, you'd managed to keep your sexuality a secret.

Thought it was some dumb rumor Nina decided to make up and tell you, you hoped it was true.

You had your eyes on Audrey for a long time. First as friends, but then a little more. She was sarcastic, protective and just a good person to be around. In your opinion.

You leaned against a wall and stared from afar, trying to look away incase you would be staring for too long. Noah had notice the repeated action and bumped his best friends shoulder, causing her to look and him.

"What?" Audrey asked. Noah nodded towards you.

"Seems like Y/N's got her eye on you. A crush maybe?" Noah teased. He knew about Audrey's small crush on Y/N, but she'd never admit it. Definitely not to her.

"Shut up. She's not into girls." Audrey whispered in hope no one hear what she was saying.

"You never know. Tye rumprs might he true. Why don't you ask her?." Noah suggested, making Audrey raise her eyebrows.

"Are you insane? No, not gonna happen." Audrey took large gulp from her cup before being suddenly pushed in Y/N's direction.

She glared at Noah before walking over to you. You saw her and smiled instantly, but hoping she wasn't here to ask why you had been staring.

"Seeing your not in the party mood huh?" Audrey asked you, taking another sip of the alcohol to calm her nerves.

"Emma dragged me here. I'm not really into partying." You admitted, dropping the cup that was still filled with alcohol into the garbage.

"Want to take a walk? It's a little too loud in here to talk." Audrey asked as leeds she did the same with her cup. For some odd reason you blushed at the opportunity to walk alone with Audrey Jensen, so you agree.

Audrey looked over her shoulder as you both began to leave, seeing Noah give her a thumbs up before she shut the door.

After successfully leaving the property and walking down the road far enough so the music was a small beat in the distance, yoi began to speak.

"So, ready for school to start up again?" You asked, making conversation.

"I don't think anyone is." Audrey answered.

It was quiet again, just the sound of your shoes clicking against the pavement of the road. There was a lump in your throat as you were dying to ask the question you knew she wouldn't like.

And it's seem did she's to. You both turned to look at each other and asked the exact same thing.

"Are the rumors true?" You were confused, whike Audrey knew the answer.

"What rumors?" You asked.

Audrey sighed, "People are saying you like girls. Just girls."

You sighed and looked down at the road. You had stopped in the middle of it. Audrey stared at you patiently for your answer and rolled back and forth on her feet

"It's true, although there's not alot of girls to like, huh?." You raised your head to look at her.

"They're true for me. Bi curious and all." Audrey shuffled her feet.

"Not really rumors anymore." You said, beginning to smile.

"No, you're right." Audrey gave you a small smile and took your hand before beginning to walk down the road again.

You blushed and let your hands swing lightly together as you continued to talk. For the rest of the night you talk walked and talk but never let go of each others hands.

Deep down you both new this changed something in your friendship.


First imagine :)) how'd you like?

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