We're All In Love Tonight

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-Sunshine Diamond's POV-
Nightfall came quicker in the summer months, and it was always a lot cooler. The sky was clear, giving me a nice view from where I sat on the floor in the main area. The Fab Four were in another corner of the room, talking amongst themselves. I didn't know where my siblings were, but I figured that Atomic and Witch must've been sitting on the roof, kissing and star-gazing.

I'd never been interested in love, because I was constantly thinking about what that meant while BLI was still around. They loved to twist a relationship, leaving children fatherless or a man without a wife. It was sick. Everything Better Living Industries did was absolutely revolting. To them, love was a weakness, but also a weapon. They could turn a killjoy into a Drac if it meant his kids would be safe.

I tried to focus back on the stars to ease my mind. That's when the Fabulous Four came to sit beside me.

"Hey there, girlfriend!" Fun Ghoul piped up in a girly voice.

I shook my head at him. "Hey. And that's boyfriend to you." I gestured to my change of outfit.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Boyfriend then. Where's Dragon?"

I pointed up to the roof. A mischevious grin spread across Ghoul's face, and I watched as he bolted out the door. With nothing else to do, we followed him. Fun Ghoul whistled up at my brother and his wife, causing them to stop sucking face.

Atomic looked down with one dark eyebrow raised. "Can I help you?"

"Nope, just watching the show!" Ghoul shouted back with a grin.

Witch whispered something in Atomic's ear, which caused my brother's eyes to go wide.

"What'd she saaaaaay?"Ghoul crooned, putting his hands on his hips.

Atomic threw an empty box of Goldfish crackers at Ghoul.

Ghoul dodged just in time, laughing as the box barely missed his head. "Missed me, missed me! Now you gotta kiss me!" he taunted.

Atomic and Witch exchanged some private words before they disappeared from the roof. They came around the side, just in time for Ghoul to see my brother readjusting his belt. He wolf-whistled at Atomic. "I know what you two were doing!"

Atomic shook his head, his cheeks a light shade of pink.

"You guys want to build a bonfire?" Witch asked.

"Sounds like a good idea," Party said, nodding.

"Sorry about Ghoul," Jet apologized, propping his arm on the shorter man's head.

"Hey!" Ghoul protested, shoving Jet's arm away.

I chuckled.

"What?" Ghoul asked.

"Now you know how Girl feels," I taunted.

Ghoul stuck his tongue out at me.


In no time at all, we had the bonfire set up. Atomic's kids roasted marshmallows to their hearts' content, but were eventually sent to bed as the time got late. Girl had fallen asleep in Party's lap, so we decided to just leave her there.

That left us adults to talk and plan. Witch and Atomic sat curled up in a blanket, switching between talking and kissing. Fun giggled and taunted them like a school girl. Nuclear and I sat close together, enjoying each other's company. We hated being separated. It always left a pain in my heart that wouldn't go away until I saw him again. I guess it was a twin thing.

Kobra noticed us sitting together and said, "You two must be identical twins."

I nodded.

"I can see the similarities."

"Who's older?" Ghoul asked, calming down for the moment.

"I am by five minutes," I answered. Nuclear yawned, leaning back on his hands. I smiled, because I had a feeling that I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking he wanted to turn in, but if Ghoul made any remarks about "baby brother," Nuclear would smack him.

Atomic let out a contented sigh, causing Ghoul to erupt in laughter. "What is it this time?" my brother asked wearily.

"Satisfied?" Ghoul asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Atomic rolled his eyes and said in an exasperated voice, "Yes, because for just a few minutes you were quiet."

We laughed as Ghoul didn't have a good comeback.

Atomic grinned and laid back on the ground, closing his eyes as Witch ran her hands through his hair.

"This night can't get any better," Blood remarked.

"It could," Ghoul replied, grinning slightly.

"I don't want to know what you're thinking about," Blood said with a groan.

"I was just going to say that it would be better if I had someone to share it with," Ghoul answered.

We all nodded.

At that, Battery Bomb stood up.

"Where are you going?" Toxic asked.

"I'm going home to my family," she replied, "I've been away for too long. Now that Girl's safe, it's time I went back. You know how to reach me."

We watched her walk into the garage, wind tossing her ombré hair. She then pulled out of the garage on a blue motorcycle, roaring away into the desert, heading towards Zone 3.

For a while, we sat in silent and listened to the wind whip across the desert, our eyes upturned towards the whirling constellations over us. Right there, in that moment, I truly felt at peace. It seemed as if the whole world was allowing us to forget about Better Living Industries and just... exist. For now, no one was coming to kill us. We could all watch the stars in silent company and forget it all, if only for tonight.

Of course, the peace was soon interrupted by a muffled grunt of surprise, followed by another muffled noise that I knew all too well. We turned our heads to see that Elecric Adrenaline had flopped on top of Atomic Dragon and was making out with him, slowly sliding a hand up his shirt. Atomic's feet kicked out weakly as he wrapped his arms around Electric's back. Electric hitched Atomic's legs up around his waist.

Blood stood up and walked over to Party, causing him to stare at her in surprise. "I'm not going to kiss you," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'm just going to take Girl downstairs so you guys don't wake her up with your mushy gushy love stuff." She gently lifted Girl from Party's lap and carried her inside the store.

Her actions helped to release some of the tension buzzing through the air, which only caused Ghoul to start up his antics again. "You guys gonna do what I think you're gonna do? The dance with no pants? Cuz that'd be something I don't wanna watch."

Atomic only raised a middle finger in response.

Party surprised Ghoul with a kiss and a hurried whisper that I knew everyone could hear. "Let's find somewhere private, yeah?" He and Ghoul hurried off behind the store building.

"That shut him up," Jet remarked, causing the rest of us to laugh in an easy manner.

Kobra cleared his throat and said, "I think we should give them some privacy," indicating where Atomic and Electric were a tangle of limbs and blankets.

As one, we stood and went inside, ready for sleep. Witch decided to leave her husband and his boyfriend alone for the night.

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