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I scratched at my skin looking around me. It seemed like everybody was staring at me, judging me.

I didn't care though. I was on my last 20 dollars and I knew I wanted to use 10 of them to get my fix. I saw a bunch of dealers posted against the building waiting for someone new to sell to. I decided to become their next customer.

I walked up with confidence and asked the first man a saw for a dime bag of coke. My mouth watered at the thought. I was finally about to be put out of my misery.

He looked down at me almost as if he pitied me; but I didn't need his pity--I didn't need anyone.

I jumped as his hand softly touched my cheek, his friends looked on in confusion--that made four of us. I moved back at the slight touch. I did not know him like that. I didn't know him at all, and I sure as hell didn't want him touching me. Gross.

"I ain't selling to you. I wonder how someone so beautiful fell into something so ugly." He spoke.

I huffed, honestly uninterested in what he had to say. I didn't have time for the motivational speeches, or the life talks. I just came for one thing and I intended on getting just that.

This kind of stuff killed me. People always had preconceived notions on what someone on drugs should look like. Little did they know, plenty of addicts are fully-functioning individuals. Ask the rich CEOs.

"You sound dumb." I said mugging him.

I simply snatched my money out of his hand and went on to the next, I wasn't in the mood for the games.

His friend reached out to take the money and he slapped his hand.


The mystery man gave him one deadly look daring him to say something. The boy just sighed and mumbled under his breath.

I looked at the other men present with hope but they just looked off in the distance or turned their head.

Monkey see monkey do ass niggas.

Fuck them I'd find someone else. The drugs are everwhere.


"Nigga why you do that? You playing games and I gotta get this money Everybody can't be rich like you jit." Dre commented. He had a boss to report to so he had to get as much money off the block that he could.

The money wasn't out here like it used to be.

"For real tryna be on some poetic shit. Talking about "I ain't selling to you." Nigga you don't even sell so how the hell?" His friend Jarani laughed, dapping Dre in the process. He didn't know why Amun was putting on right now.

"Man y'all shut up. I know that girl." Amun said annoyed with their comments. He knew her, he just didn't know where from.

"Oh really? What's her name?" Their friend Nolan chimed in with an inquisitive glare waiting for an answer.

His face contorted as he thought of her name. It was at the tip of the tongue but he just couldn't get it out. The shit was bothering him.

"It's shut the fuck up. Y'all niggas dead annoying." He said walking away to his car. He had a class in an hour and didn't have time for the bullshit anymore. It was too damn hot to be standing at the corner anyway.

"Man you gookin'. Call us when you not on your period!" Dre shouted making the boys chuckle. These niggas beyond childish Amun thought.

"Fuck y'all." Amun flipped them off hopping in his car and making his way to the campus.

Gookin'/Gooking- Tripping
Jit- Kid


-Lexi 💓

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