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Amun cruised around the city in his 2015 Mercedes-Benz G class befuddled. Who was that girl? She looked so familiar he thought. Caressing her soft skin he experienced a spark he never felt before. It was like looking into her eyes held his future.

Amun grew up in the wealthy city of Jupiter Island, Florida. His upbringing was nothing less of amazing; well the later years. He was spoiled rotten, had many friends, and money never a problem.

This earlier years were not as exciting unfortunately. His biological mother was a prostitute who didn't give a damn about no one but herself. However becoming pregnant changed her perspective. Sadly, she had flipped too many tricks to know who the father of her child was.

Money was tight being that she was pregnant and couldn't necessarily "work" anymore so she stayed at various women shelters until her baby boy was born. She knew she couldn't keep him simply because she didn't have the funds to properly care for him, but to hold her son in her arms was her only wish.

She got her wish on July 25, 1997 when she welcomed Amun Alonzo Crawford to the world. His name was later changed to Amun Alonzo Jones by his adoptive parents.

After he was conceived she stayed in the hospital as long as she possibly could basking in her child's warmness. Check out was approaching rapidly, forcing her to make the hardest decision of her life. She knew that she she couldn't properly care for him so she planned to sneak out of the hospital without him. She prayed that this would grant him a better life than she would have been able to give him.

Her prayers were answered when Amun was officially adopted along with three others on July 24, 2005, a day before his eighth birthday.

He was adopted by Nasir and Mahogany Jones two wealthy doctors who couldn't conceive. The couple owned many shelters and funded various charities. They were very selfless people.

He is currently a college senior at FIU studying psychology but his real passion was basketball and he excelled at it. He hoped to get drafted by his favorite team the Miami Heat when he graduates or even before.

So yeah, he had a pretty great life but he always came back to where it all began in Miami, Florida to hang with friends his parents didn't particularly care for.

He was chilling on the block with his friends when he saw who he knew was familiar but could not quite put a finger on it. He'd never forget those eyes.

He drove around the city twice already searching for the unknown girl. He figured he'd come back tomorrow to look for her because the hood was not a place to be at night, especially in the car he was in.


I finally put my pride aside and went to a women's shelter. The streets of Miami were no place for me to be, especially at night.

I was in the line since 6:00 P.M. and it was currently going on seven based on the enormous clock that occupied the side of the building. I already let two women with children skip me because they needed it more than I did. The line was slowly dwindling down when a worker came out to announce that there were only twelve slots left. The problem was that I was the thirteenth person in the line. On the verge of tears, I remained in line hoping someone would let me in.

By the time I got to the front someone came out to close and lock the doors.

"Excuse me ma'am." I said tapping her shoulder.

She looked at my hand on her shoulder in disgust prompting me to quickly snatch it away.

"There are no more slots left young lady." She stated in a bored tone.


"There are no more slots ma'am." She said louder as she looked at me in utter repulsion. I know my clothes didn't look the best, and my shoes were falling apart, but I hate when people look down on people for what they don't have. They could've been in the exact position I'm in now.

"Jackie go inside." Someone said peeping out of the large doors. The girl gave me another once over, snarled, and walked away.

"I-I know I don't have anything to offer but I just-."

"It's fine. I don't usually do this but you look around my son's age. I can't imagine one of them being in this predicament with no help. Follow me sweetheart."

I followed her lead and she led me to what seemed to be an office. Possibly hers. She went into a bin full of clothes and handed me a pair of sweats and a black shirt to wear.

"What size do you wear?" She asked for referring to my panty size.

"A seven." I responded and she nodded proceeding to open a new pack of panties and hand me a few pairs.

"The showers are out this door, straight, and to the first left. You can't miss them. When you finish doing your business come back here." I nodded and thanked her trying to navigate my way to the showers.

When I did, I made my way into the stall, hung my clothes, and started the shower. A brand new wash rag and loofa was hanging on a hook inside the shower. The scorching hot water felt wonderful on my skin considering that I hadn't taken a shower in four days.

I usually scrape up enough money for a hotel room for the night to shower, but it had been a hard couple of days. I was down to my last $10 at this point so this shelter was my safe haven and only opportunity to take a good shower. Your girl was ripe. I bathed for almost an hour and washed my curly locks in the process.

I grabbed the complimentary towel that was already hanging in the stall and thoroughly dried my body before slipping on my new clothes.

After I was done, I went ahead and made my way back to her office. I still didn't get her name.

"Yeah let me call you back." She stated hanging up the phone as she saw me entering the room. I read her name tag and saw the name "Mahogany" etched across it. I loved that name.

"Okay I have a cot in the next room with a T.V. and a mini fridge. There's also a microwave in there in case you want to warm something. Again I never do this so I beg of you, please don't betray my trust. When I leave you can lock the door so no one else will be able to get in. I'm putting my trust in you, don't let me down." I was wondering why she was doing all of this. Trusting someone who she didn't know in her space and around her personal items, but your guess is as good as mine.

I did know one thing for sure...I would not let her down.

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PUB: 6/28/16

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