Chapter 7 (I Think I Like Them...)

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Louis' P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it. Harry totally ignored the fact that all four of us were supposed to have dinner together.... Well I can't be that mad; maybe Charity didn't want to go out. After all he would do anything for her, especially after what happened... No one can blame her. You would think that he would call, text, or even send a carrier pigeon. I just hope nothing happened. But I did have a fine day with my cousin and it brought back so many memories. Jared and I got home around nine thirty, but when we walked in we couldn't believe it.

"Harry? Wake up." I gently shook him awake so I wouldn't disturb Charity's sleep. "What's going on? Why is she wearing your shirt? And why on the bloody planet are you shirtless and cuddling with her!"

"Calm down, Lou. Now please be quieter. Her door was locked and her shirt was wet... I decided to give her mine, then I found out about something and I sang her Little Things and Diana to get her to sleep. And I guess I fell asleep later... Now please just give me the night and we will talk in the morning." I can tell Harry and Charity had been crying. She had mascara stains down her cheeks, and Harry's eyes were still red. I think Harry must really care for her, a lot.


Charity's P.O.V.

Waking up was any directioner's dream come true. Harry's arms were wrapped around me, I wanted to make the boys breakfast before he got up. I simply nudged his arm off of my hip.

"Where are you going?" Harry said half awake, he groaned as I was getting up.

"To cook pancakes," I said with a grin on my face, mainly because his morning voice is to die for.

"But cooking is my thing," He pouted is lips. "How about I help you cook, after all I am the greatest cook in One Direction." As Harry smirked while reaching for my hand, "I will be up soon, you can get a head start."

I then went into the kitchen and started making the batter when Jared came. He had his "someone's got a crush" face on. "So what was that all about last night?"

I had no idea what he was talking about considering the fact that Harry and I fell asleep. "What do you mean?"

"Me and Louis walked in and saw him shirtless well you were on the couch in his arms. Do you mind telling me about that?"

"Well something did happen last night, something special, well for me at least."

"Aw. Charity got to snuggle with her dream guy." Was he really talking to me like a three year old just then? "Or was there more?" Jared then had a straight face and winked at me.

"Just a connection… I think… I am not sure."

"Have fun with that silly, and tell me when the food's done." Just as Jared left, Harry came walking in.


Harry's P.O.V

"So your door is unlocked now." She popped up quicker than when Niall hears 'Nando's'.

"Really? How is that possible? We were asleep... And someone would have had to bust down the door?" I am a little sad her door is unlocked because that means no more couch cuddling... Well maybe there can be bed cuddling. (I shouldn’t think that, she is just seventeen.)

"Apparently when Jared locked himself out of his bathroom, he made a key for it when it was fixed. I guess he kept it on him all night."

"Oh. I’m so sorry I didn't know that. You didn't have to lend me your shirt..." Charity trailed off and started to cook the first pancake.

I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist. "Let's get cookin', good lookin'"

"Oh my, Harry. You are such an idiot." She lifted her hands to cover her smile.

Soon after that the food was done and we all ate pancakes while watching SpongeBob in the morning. I pulled Louis to the side. "Go hang out with her toady."

"Sure? I guess... But why? And what will we do?"

"Um, something girls like doing... like shopping! You like that! And also just think of something after that."

"But why? Plus you were supposed to tell me what happened last night."

"Let's just say she has always had a rough time and I want to make her happy..." I couldn't tell him the whole truth, I’m not sure if Charity would be okay with that...

"She looks happy to me. And how will going shopping with me make her happier? Wait... Did you only sleep on the couch with her to make her feel happy? Dude! Don't play with her feelings!"

"She is a directioner; I want her to meet all the boys and get to know them. And NO! I won't play with her feelings, because by hurting her.... I would lose a girl I care about."

Louis instantly got a stern look in his face. "By care do you mean as a friend or potential girlfriend."

"I don't know... I think I like her, more than friendship like.. Like the fans would even create a ship name for us... I like her more than anyone before. I already know so much about her that most guys would turn away at. Instead of turning away, I run full speed to her side." Louis has the biggest grin on his face now.

"I’m okay with any decision you have to make. And let's get you two together... After she meets everyone. We will call it 'Operation Superhero.'”

"Perfect." I hope this works.

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