Kasumi's 30 Day Anime Challenge!!!! -Edited a bit-

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Okay, so I've seen a whole bunch of people post one of these 30 Day Anime Challenge Books and I wanna try one myself so, I'll try my best!!!! Just to say this is just based on the anime I have already seen.

Day 1: Very First Anime you've watched

Day 2: Fav Anime you've watched so far

Day 3: Fav Anime Male Character EVER

Day 4: Fav Anime Female Character

Day 5: Anime you're ashamed you enjoyed

Day 6: Anime you want to see but, haven't yet

Day 7: Anime Crush (Biggest for me)

Day 8: Fav Anime Couple

Day 9: Best Anime Villain

Day 10: Fav Action Anime

Day 11: Fav Anime Moment in any Anime

Day 12: Saddest Anime Scene

Day 13: Anime Character you are most simliar to

Day 14: Anime that never gets old no matter how many times you've rewatched it

Day 15: Fav animal, pet, or summoning from any Anime

Day 16: Anime with best animation

Day 17: Fav supporting male Anime Character

Day 18: Fav supporting female Anime Character

Day 19: Most epic scene ever!!!!

Day 20: Anime Characters that get on your nerves

Day 21: Fav goofy Anime Character

Day 22:Fav weapon, gear, or armor used in Anime

Day 23: Fav attack someone used in Anime

Day 24: Moment that shocked you the most in any Anime

Day 25: Saddest Anime Death

Day 26: Best Anime fight

Day 27: Most Badass scene by an Anime Character

Day 28: Fav quote from any Anime Character

Day 29: An Anime you wished was real

Day 30: An Anime you wish never ended and continued on

What I wanted to add...

Day 31: Most Romantic scene

Day 32: Most Badass Female

Day 33: Anime with best English Openings and Endings

Day 34: Anime with best Japanese Openings and Endings

Alright let's get this party started!!!! See you on the first day!!!

Kasumi's 30 Day Anime Challenge!!!!Where stories live. Discover now