Chapter 1 - Try Hard

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Everyday is the same in my life. I wake up every morning at 6:45 am, go to my bathroom, brush my teeth, get in the shower, get out and dried before going back to my room. I get dressed, do my make-up, go downstairs and eat breakfast that has already been prepared by my mother before she left for work. I spend the whole day at school, thankfully with my friends otherwise I wouldn't manage to survive, and get home at 3:45 pm. I do my homework, read for a while and make myself dinner. By 10 pm I'm back in bed, reading and going to sleep. I live a boring life when I think of it like that. I don't often see my mother. She's a surgeon, she works long days, leaves before I wake up and isn't home until I'm asleep. I have no father, not one that wants to know me at least. Basically, my friends are the only thing keeping me going in life. I'm not depressed, I know it may seem like I am at that statement, but I'm not. I am happy with myself, I just need to become happy with my life. 

I am a 5 foot 8 inch tall female, which makes me slightly taller than average. I am not slim, I am curvy with an average dress size 12/14. I am not you're average 'oh my god she's so beautiful' type of girl. I have red hair, which I have dyed multiple times before I decided on red, grey eyes, pale skin and freckles. I stick out like a sore thumb around my friends and in our school. I have two key friends in my life. Hannah and Lauren. Hannah is a 5 foot 6 inch tall girl with blonde hair down to her waist, brown eyes and is one of the prettiest girls I could imagine. She looks like a supermodel and puts my shame. I'm not jealous, I swear. Lauren on the other hand was the slimmest girls I had ever seen. She wasn't anorexic or anything, she just struggled putting on weight. She was the shortest of us all and had straight, jet black hair which reached her bum. Her green eyes made her look like a cat in the night time, the perfect mix with her olive skin. 

Currently, I was walking down the hall through our school with both of my friends by my side. It was the last period of the day, the last day of the week. Thankfully we had the next 2 weeks off school, thanks to the Easter break. Hannah, Lauren and I all had a free period on a Friday afternoon, meaning we could leave at lunch time. 

"Katie, what do you think? Will you come with us?" Lauren asked as I grabbed my bag out of my locker. I gave her a slightly confused look, indicating that I hadn't been listening to anything they were saying before now. "You and your daydreams" She tutted.

"We were talking about getting last minute tickets to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert tomorrow. Me and Lozza have already got tickets to the Nottingham show but there are still some tickets available for Sheffield." Hannah explained, shutting her own locker and grabbing her car keys. I shut my locker contemplating the offer as I pulled on my All Time Low jacket. I wasn't the biggest fan of 5 Seconds of Summer. I didn't have anything against the band or their music, I just never listened to any of their songs unless Hannah was playing it in the car. 

"I'm not sure." I admitted, giving them an apologetic look. "I don't know if I really want to spend around £30 on a ticket to a concert that I'm not a big fan of."

"Come on, Katie. It will be fun." Lauren pushed as we walked out of the school gates towards Hannah's car. Hannah Drove us all to and from school everyday since she was the only one who could drive. She drove us everywhere actually. "I'll do you a deal. If you come with us to the concert, I'll let you drag me on one of your epic road trips in the summer." I knew Lauren was desperate if she was bargaining with me. Even more so when she would offer to go on a road trip with me. I loved road trips. I planned them for me and my mum all the time when I was younger, before she got promoted at work. Unfortunately for my friends, they were now the ones I was begging to go with me on them. 

"Okay, fine. I'll go with you to the concert. Maybe I'll actually like them when I listen to them properly." I admitted as we got into the front seat of the car. 

"YES!" Hannah yelled as she started the car. 5 Seconds of Summer immediately started blaring out of the speakers. I laughed at how over excited Hannah got about the little things. Lauren and Hannah sang along to every song that came on, knowing all the lyrics, while I simply tapped along to the beat of the drums. The music was actually quite good. I didn't often trust the music choice of my friends. In general they listened to One Direction, Justin Bieber, Little Mix and Fifth Harmony. I didn't have anything against any of those artists I just didn't like the music they produced. I was a fan of the likes of Mayday Parade, All Time Low, You Me at Six and My Chemical Romance. I never listened to the radio and didn't keep up with what music was in the charts. 

After 15 minutes of driving we arrived at my house on the outskirts of town. We all lived in the same small village, a few miles from school and around 10 miles from the city centre. Hannah and Lauren disrupted my daily schedule by asking to book the concert tickets at my house. I didn't want to say no, at least the were giving me some company for a change. I passed Hannah my laptop, knowing she knew the password to unlock it, as I busied myself in the kitchen making some drinks and snacks. I pretty much lived on my own. For this reason I felt a motherly, housewife instinct around any guests I ever had over. "Er...We have a bit of a problem." Hannah piped up from the living room. "There are some tickets still available, but they are only for the standing zone and cost around £80 each." Lauren and Hannah barely batted an eye at the new price, whereas I grimaced at the thought of paying that price for any concert, never mind one I wasn't particularly interested in. 

"It'll be fine." Lauren exclaimed, a big smile still on her face. "Just book them."

"Wait, what?" I questioned setting the drinks on the table, before I spilt them everywhere with my gestures. "What do you mean just book them? I can't afford that for a concert I do want to go to." I complained looking between Lauren and Hannah, who was rapidly clicking away on the laptop to purchase the tickets. 

"Use my card Han." Lauren passed Hannah her debit card, ignoring my exasperated expression. "Don't worry about it Kate, Just pay me what you can and I'll pay the rest. I released a huge sigh, knowing that there would be no arguing with either of them. I slouched down into the couch as they discussed what they were going to wear to the concert. I loved my friends and wouldn't survive without them by my side every day, but they were annoying. I soon got into the conversation and joined in planning my outfit for tomorrow. 

"You should stay over here tonight, that way we could go shopping tomorrow morning and get ready here before going to the concert." I suggested, actually feeling more excited about going to a concert with my friends. Generally we didn't go to many concerts together without one of us begging the others. After agreeing to stay the night, Hannah drove herself and Lauren to their houses to pick up their things for the next couple of nights. 

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