Chapter 7

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"I didn't know how you would take it. I was scared. I'm still scared. I don't know what this life has in store for me." I say truthfully.

"We can take things slow." Paul says.

"Do you want to be with us?" Jacob asks. I put my hands on both of their cheeks, smiling a little.

"I think I'm ready."

Chapter Seven
Isabella Marie Swan

"Are you sure? We don't have to start anything." Jacob asks, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I'm sure, but take things slow. Kinda go with the flow." I say hugging them both.

"I'm so glad that you didn't reject us." Paul says.

"Aww. I would never." I say rubbing his cheek.

"The pack is gonna get on me for this. I'll never get over this." I say.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"When we are phased, our thoughts can be heard or seen by the whole pack." Paul says.

"That's unfortunate." I say.

"Very. We have to see the sex lives of our fellow pack mates." Jacob says with a shiver. That thought even my makes me shiver.

"I think we should probably get back. They're probably wondering where we are." Jacob says.

"Wait we need nicknames." I say.

"No way. Not that sappy love sick shit. Nope." Paul says shaking his head. I give him my best puppy dog face which makes him give in.

"Okay. I'll call you Jakey or Jake and I'll call you Pauly." I say win a cheeky grin.

"Uhh." Paul groans and Jake just sits there.

"Okay we can go now." I say, getting up. I grab both Paul and Jake's hands and we walk back to the house.

When we get to my house, I give Emily a wink and she squeals. Kim looks confused for a second then Em whispers in her ear.

"Congrats guys." Emily says. Paul and Jake just roll their eyes and walk back inside with the guys.

"So, did y'all kiss?" Kim asks.

"No. We're going with the flow." I say.

"That's cool I guess." She replies.


"Hey mom." I say though the phone. My mom called to check in on me. I haven't told her about my boyfriends yet. I don't really know how to.

"I've missed you Isabella." My mom says.

"Uh. You know I hate when people call me that. It's Bella." I whine.

"Isabella is your name. You need to embrace it." She says.

"You won't embrace you age." I say jokingly.

"Oh whatever. Phil says hi." She says. I hear a 'How are you doing' in the background.

"Tell him I said hi and that I'm doing fine." I say.

"Ok. So, how's it in Forks?" She asks.

"It's fine. I actually have something to tell you." I say nervously.

How do I tell her I have not one but two boyfriends? I think to myself.

"You're not pregnant are you?" She asks.

"Of course not. I just, I met these guys and...." Before I could finish Renee cuts me off,

"And you don't know who to choose. Just go with your heart." She says.

"No. That's not it. They are both now my boyfriends." I rush out.

"They are what?" She asks.

"They're my boyfriends." I say.

"Isabella." She says in a disapproving tone.

"Please don't. I love them and they love me." I say getting ready for her rant.

"Bella, one boyfriend I'm okay with bye two. Is that even necessary? THIS IS INSANE!" She says, yelling the last part.

"I'm sorry mom. Can you please just accept it?" I ask.

"I'm coming to take you home." Is the last thing she says before hanging up the phone.

'I'm coming to take you home.' Replays through my head as I get ready for bed. I wipe the tears that fell down my face before going to sleep.

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