The Girl

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It was a crisp fall morning. Everywhere I looked I saw my bleary and tired eyed student associates. It was a Monday. Most people don't like Monday's but I don't mind them. I may go as far as to say I even like Monday's. Every Monday that passes means one less high school Monday and boy am I ready to be out of high school and in college. I have never fit in with high schoolers. All of these crackhead fools are obsessed with their boyfriends and girlfriends, or if they don't have one, getting one. They are also stupidly obsessed with their social lives. There are more important things to be doing. I am the smartest kid in school and I'm just a freshman. I have a 4.85 GPA and only take AP and IB classes. 

Suddenly I see a limo pull up in front of Fortitude High's bleak courtyard that literally has only one tree. This intrigues me, no one here owns a limo. This can mean one of two things. Either a new rich snobby student or some important person is visiting. It is more likely the new student. Great another dumb high school student to make my high school life harder. The driver gets out of the limo and walks around to the back door in my central vision and opened the limo door. A beautiful girl climbed out of the limo. Her autumn hair pulled back into a perfect fancy braid lay on her right shoulder. She was wearing skin tight dark navy jeans with brown boots. She wears a flowy cashmere sweater that hangs off of her left shoulder and you can see a dark blue tank top strap. I suddenly feel inferior with my washed out jeans and black boots with my plaid shirt. 

Her driver grabs out an expensive Sierra Loop backpack. The main color was aquamarine with white and gray borders. Again I looked down and saw my inferior men's shoulder canvas bag. I kept looking her way and eventually she turned toward me and I saw her bright blue eyes look straight into my boring gray eyes.


Just like that I snapped out of my reverie. That was the first block bell but not the tardy one. I shook myself to clear my head and ran to AP Chemistry. I ran in class and Mrs. Knox shut the door tight behind me.

"Cutting it a bit close aren't you Ms. Suzuki?" Mrs. Knox was one of the most strict teachers at school. No one talked back to her. Everyday she wore a combination of the same thing. A black skirt, a plaid button up shirt, and a lightweight sweater.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Knox," I let my head hang as I went and took my seat. I sat my satchel down and grabbed out my five subject spiral notebook that's only for AP Chem. and my pencil and started writing the notes Mrs. Knoxs had already written on the board. When I was about halfway through the notes - that had already taken up two pages front and back -there was a knock on the door. Reluctantly Mrs. Knox got up and opened the door.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Knox's AP Chemistry class? I am new here if you can't tell," it was mystery rich girl at the door. 

"Yes this is indeed AP Chemistry and I am Mrs. Knox, take a seat by Ms. Suzuki. She just lost her lab partner so this will work out nicely. Ms. Suzuki raise your hand please," I did as I was told and rose my hand. Mystery girl came and sat right by me.

"Hi, my name is Coral Sealock. What is your name?" mystery girl was talking to me?

"My name is Bella Suzuki. I'm going to offer you some advice, do not talk out of place in this class," I picked back up my pencil and continued the notes. Thankfully mystery girl - Coral - did the same. 

"Okay class, put down your pencils. If you did not finish get them from a friend or classmate. I don't care how you acquire them just make sure you have all the notes. Today - as you can see from the notes - we are talking about our elements. I also see that some of you are zoned out. Everyone close your notebook. We are having a pop quiz," Mrs. Knox declared. A long drone of ugh's and really's echoed throughout the classroom, "That's the spirit!" Mrs. Knox rolled her old lady eyes. "Question 1 goes to Ms. Suzuki. I am going to describe an element and you will tell me the name and symbol," I nodded and she continued but I zoned out and didn't hear the description. 

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