chapter 4- An anxious day

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I opened the door to my office and walked to the elevator reaching the lunch break hall. I entered, my eyes searching for Sandra's shiny,black hair and her slim , short body. I spotted her leaning against the beige wall at the end of the hall , talking on the phone .

Her gray eyes met mine and she noticed me, nodding her head to the wooden table in front of her , signaling for me to sit down. I sat there waiting for her to finish the call . Moments later she tucked her phone into her purse and walked over , sitting opposite to me with a grin on her face .

"Hey! How's your day so far?"

"Great! I have another diving session after the lunch break to explore the western area of the chesil beach. Apparently this area is dangerous and hasn't been explored before , so wish me luck."

A breath I didn't know I had been holding came out as a sigh at the end of my rambling, hoping to finish this mission successfully and safely. It would creat a better impression of me and Mr. Price will look at my image from a different angle. I would be extremely glad if that happened .

"Good luck! No worries , I heard they have an improved safety equipment . Plus the diving team is more than qualified for this job . They are experts , and I haven't heard of any accidents before."

She said tucking a strand of her dark, silky hair behind her ears.

I felt better after her calming words.

"I hope so." I replied softly.

"Lucy! We need to go have lunch at diary queen. They have the best food ever!" She said suddenly in an overly excited voice, startling me .

"What? No, we won't come back on time and -"

"Stop worrying ! It's going to be fine. Lighten up a bit." She interrupted.

"No no no. I have just had this job for two weeks now and can't risk losing it, plus I need-"

"STOP!" She yelled."we will get back on time. It is only five minutes away."

"Are we even allowed to leave before five?" I questioned.

"Yes we are. Only at breaks though. What do say?" She said standing up and sliding her yellow purse on her shoulder.

"I guess so." I said giving up even though I was still unsure and slightly worried.

She squealed happily and jumped excitedly walking over and hugging me forcefully almost choking me and breaking my bones.


"So how's college ?" I said eating a fry. She groaned at the subject.

"Being a freshman and an intern is pretty exhausting. Plus the finals are coming up , so the stress level is maximum." She said putting her head between her hands and gripping her hair lightly .

I reached out and patted her shoulders comfortingly .

"Hey, if you need me I can surely help. I've gone through all of this and I am ready to give you a hand"

Her head shoot up, her eyes gleaming with happiness.

"Thanks. I'll inform you if I need anything."

She looked at her watch.

"We should probably get back. It's only ten minutes before the break finishes."

I nodded ,standing up after paying the bill and following Sandra to her car . We listened to some jazz songs on our way back before we parted ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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