chapter 3- My Office ?

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A few moments later a brunette man with thick glasses pushed to the end of his nose and a notepad in his hand along with a pen behind his ears, entered after knocking .

"Good morning Mrs. Bello." He greeted smiling brightly.

"Good morning." I replied.

"I am Dave young , Mr. Price's secretary , and I came here to make sure of a few things." He said shifting his eyes to the notepad he is holding.

"Your name is Lucy Ayotunde Bello, you are 23 years old, you studied at the University Of Oxford and studied archaeology and graduated as an archaeology major with an A grade. You live in Dorset, Southern England and are currently working as an archaeologist for the Southern England Remnant ET Industries located beside the chesil beach. Right?" He said , taking a deep breath after his long question.

"That is right."

He put his hands into his pocket , before pulling out a badge.

"Well, here is your identification badge Mrs. Bello. Congratulations ! Do check for any spelling mistakes and inform us ."

I reached out and took the badge and read everything before putting it around my neck.

"Nope! Everything is carefully written."

"Alright, now I will give you your tasks for the day. Some paper work will be sent to you in a few, which is due today. After that, you'll be having a meeting at 11:00 AM where experienced archaeologists will be giving new employees the routine around here and a few tips about your work and this company. It will be held in the meeting hall which is just down the hallway . After that will be your lunch break before your diving session where you will be exploring the southern part of the chesil beach , 180 km from the building and 90 km deep. Then finally you get off." He said tucking his notepad underneath is arm.

"And if you need me you can press 0985 and I will be here, anything else before I go?"

"No,thank you." I replied.

"Alright Mrs. Bello , have a nice day." He said before walking out and closing the door.


I walked through the sliding glass doors of the restaurant before spotting my mom at a table beside the window, already scanning the menu with an excited grin on her face. I walked over to her grabbing a chair and sitting down opposite to her, disturbing my mother's peace and letting her drop the menu .

"Hey Luce . How was your day?"

"I could talk forever , but I am really hungry right now so I would like to order something first

"Of course." She chuckled.

Moments later I was eating my delicious Italian pasta along with my diet coke while telling my mom how exciting my day and diving session was.

"I even made a new friend at the lunch break . She is called Sandra and she is an intern . She is younger than me , but I can already say we are going to be close friends."

"Wow! That is great news to hear ." She replied with a mouthful of the mouthwatering lasagna .

I nodded slightly, changing the subject.

"How's dad, mom?"

She dropped her fork on the metallic table making a 'cling' sound ,and looked at me briefly before holding it again and filling her mouth with food to allow her more time to think about the answer.

"He's good, he's regular at taking his medication which is an improvement." She replied looking at her now folded hands on the table.

I never really asked about my dad , and it has always been a sensitive subject so we rarely talk about it. That's why it was a slightly shocking question. I thought it was enough about dad, I didn't want to upset her during such an enjoyable moment. I just wanted to make sure he's okay.

"How are you enjoying your meal so far?"

"Wow! It's great! The best one I've tasted so far!"

I smiled at her typical answer, before continuing my meal.

A few hours later. I was in bed , ready for my next day of work

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