to infinity

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the small girl woke up with the energy of a thousand suns shining brightly inside of her. brown hair tousled from tossing and turning due to excitement stuck up on her head. she threw the thin, stained blanket off of her already shivering body, and slid off the old couch.
of course, she didn't know any better.
she was only six, and she still looked at the world through a euphoric lens, saturation on high.
she didn't understand why her dad got so angry, why her mom got so sad, why she had to sometimes hide in the cabinets in the kitchen and be so quiet.
all she knew was that today, was her mother's birthday, and she intended to make it special.
her mother was, after all, her very best friend.
her person, her confidant. it was her chest she cried into when she was scared of her father, it was her body she was molded from, and her mind that she took after.
she loved her mother, and her mother loved her.
so today was to be special. of course, it had to be.
but,  how was she to know, that last night, the usual screaming and crying that occurred was different.
how was she to know that her mother had done everything in her power to ensure that her daughter remained unscathed that night.
no, six year old brooklyn couldn't have possibly understood the loud thump that she heard, and the sickening silence that followed.
no, nothing would have, or could have, prepared brooklyn for that morning; as she ran into her mother's room, only to find her lifeless body on the floor.


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