- c h a p t e r 25! -

825 10 7


HAHAHAH. So um DONT kill me after this please


The hardest part about realizing you never loved me , is that you spent so much time pretending you did.


She exhaled the smoke, hoping to lose the demons that danced in her head
~ g.h

c h a p t e r - 2 5

T H R E E - Y E A R S - L A T E R

- Brooklyn's P.O.V -

I groaned, wringing out my hair. Damn the rain. "Rough morning?" Matt chuckled, hugging me. I signed, hugging him back. "Where were you this morning?" I asked, remembering him not being at our apartment. He grinned, "My dumbass boyfriend decided we didn't need gas, but then the car stopped in like a field so we camped out." He said, his eyes twinkling at the memory of his boyfriend.

I chuckled, tying up my wet hair. "That's cute." I said. It'd been three years. Three whole years. Three years since Harry. I lived in London, with a friend, Matt. We had met at work, and it flourished from there. I had cut off all connection with the boys, and Simon even. I had changed a lot. I was much more quiet. I wasn't very nice anymore. Well, pain changes people.

I started smoking. I started drinking more, I'm anorexic. I tried to put up a bad girl attitude. So what if I still cried at Harry's name?

"Did you eat breakfast?" Matt asked, setting up his station. We worked at a hair salon. I shook my head, "I want to eat dinner. You know if I eat breakfast, I won't be able to eat dinner." I said. Matt sighed, but nodded his head.

I know I was disappointing him. I disappointed everyone. "I need a smoke." I muttered.

-- Harry's Point of View --

I sighed, stepping out of the car onto the damp London streets. Just seeing this city again made my heart hurt. It's where she was. I haven't seen her in three years. Three fucking years. It turns out that Chelsea set her up, she never slept with Niall. But she cut all connection with us, even with Simon.

After she left, I cried for so long. I still do. Not a day goes by that I don't worry about her. Does she still have nightmares? Who is she staying with? Does she think about me as much as I think of her?

"You guys head on to the flat, Ni and I are gonna get some groceries," Louis said to me. I nodded my head, not really paying attention. I wasn't complete without her.

-- Brooklyn's Point Of View --

I inhaled the smoke, and slowly breathed it out, watching the smoke curl within the air. It burned my throat, and I closed my eyes, enjoying it. I took another drag, before I heard too gasps, and an all too familiar voice say, "What the hell?!"

My eyes shot up, to see the one and only, Louis Tomlinson. And right beside him, Niall Horan. Holy shit. Holy mother f'ing shit. What do I do?!

"Brooklyn?!" Louis gasped. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Can I help you?" I said. He frowned, hurt, "I- uh, what- what are you doing?" He stuttered. I took another drag, before dropping the cigarette to the floor, and crushing it with the heel of my combat boots. "I'm about to go back to work." I spat, before roughly turning around.

I was about to walk off when I felt a tug on my arm, "Wait, wait. Can we have your number?! Please!" Niall said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, before walking back into the store. I wasn't going to let them just come here and own the fucking place. They were from my past, and they should stay there.

-- Harry's Point Of View --

Louis and Niall burst through the flat door, screaming at the top of their lungs. They were yelling and talking so fast, that none of us could tell what they were saying. I chuckled, what the hell were they screaming about?

"Guys!" Liam yelled, making them stop abruptly. Their eyes were wide, faces red, they stood their panting. "We, we saw.." Louis said, out of breath. Zayn furrowed his eyes, "Who? Who did you see?" He said.

"Brooklyn! We saw B!" Niall shouted, and once again Louis and Niall started screaming incoherently. But it all sounded far away to me. As soon as her name slipped his mouth, my world stopped. They saw her?

"Mate!" Louis yelled, breaking me from my thoughts. "W-what?"

"She, she was smoking! And, and she was being all rude. And she was wearing spiky boots and a leather jacket, and she was working at this salon place, but she was smoking!" Louis rambled out.

What?! She was smoking?! What the hell...

I got up, grabbing my jacket, "Where? What salon place?" I said. "The, the one by the café!" Niall said. Without another word, I was out the door. I had to find her, and tell her I love her. I was nothing without her. The time was six o clock, would she still be there?

I was panting by the time I got there. But when I saw her, my heart dropped to my stomach. She was crossing the road, holding hands with some guy. As they got to the other side, she kissed his cheek, and sat in the car with him. I leaned against the brick wall, gasping. I hadn't realized I was crying, until I felt the teardrop slide off of my face. It felt as if everything inside of me was being torn apart. Bit by bit, shred to shred.


Yes I know it's short but double update!

Omg what do u think of the new Brooklyn??

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ps you're all gorgeous and i love you

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