Meeting new people

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Eunji P.O.V:
The next day, I woke up and see a figure so I rub my eye to see clearly and it was MYUNGSOO!
" YA MYUNGSOO! What are you doing here!" I said
"Giving you this." He said in cold tone as he throws a uniform to me.
"What for?" I said
"Are you dumb, it's a school uniform. You'll be coming to my school."
Then he come closer to me and said " Don't tell anyone you live with me. I don't want anyone knowing that I live with an ugly nerd." Then walk out my room I through my pillow towards the door. I got out of bed and stomp to the bathroom and mess up my hair. " I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW THAT LIVE WITH A JEAK ANYWAY!" I yelled. Then I slam the bathroom door sort of loud. When I finish I went downstairs.
"Good morning, Eunji ." said Auntie.
"Good morning too." I said as I sat down to eat breakfast. Myungsoo gave me a cold stare.
"Myungsoo, remember wait for Eunji after school so she knows where to go on the bus to get home." said Auntie.
"MOM, I already have plans with my friends." said Myungsoo.
"Tomorrow." said Auntie
Just then Myungsoo gave me a even more cold stare.
"Goodbye Auntie." I said as I close the door behind me.
I try to keep up with Myungsoo but I lose him. Then I bump into someone.
"Sorry" I said
He said "Sorry too"
I look up to see a handsome guy and I noticed he was wearing the same uniform as I was. I guess he noticed too.
"You must be the new student. Where my manners. I'm Woohyun." he said.
"Hi I'm Eunji." I said
Umm, can you show me how to get to school?" I said.
"Yeah sure follow me." he said.
When we got to school. " Thank you. " I said then a handsome guy with small eye appear and said " Woohyun come on let's go. Everyone is waiting for you." as he drag Woohyun away. I wave goodbye. I went to the front office to know where my class is.

Myungsoo P.O.V:
I looked behind to see if she was behind me but she wasn't. Dang it I thought to myself. I walked too fast for her. I turn around and went to find her but then Sungyeol appear and said "Hey what are you doing here? Come on we're going to be late for school." as he drags me to school. I felt really guilty for leaving her. We went to our usually spot next to the tree. We see Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungjong, and Sungkyu but where Woohyun? We are the most handsome boys in our school, we are called Infinite.
"Where Woohyun?" I asked the group.
They didn't know either so we split up to go find him. It was almost time to go to class so I went to class. I saw the group there waiting for me.
"Where were you?" said Sungjong.
"Looking for him." I said ask point to Woohyun.
"I was helping someone." said Woohyun.
Then the bell rang so we went to our seats. Woohyun and I sit by each other. Our homeroom teacher said "We have a new student. Please come in." That when Eunji came in. I was happy to see her, wait what no I'm just happy because I won't get yell at by mom and to get rid of this guilty feeling I said to myself.
"Hi, I'm Jung Eunji. Please take care of me." said Eunji
" You can sit between Woohyun and L." said the homeroom teacher. I gave her a cold stare. Great I thought now I sit next to her too. Woohyun  gave her a nice warm greeting like they met before. They kept talking, it made me feel so irritated when I see her laughing with Woohyun. UGH just focus on my homework. Bell rang. I got up and left.

Eunji P.O.V:
The homeroom teacher called me in. I introduced myself. When the teacher point at Myungsoo, my heart just fell but why did they call him L wasn't his name Myungsoo? Then I saw Woohyun  so I happy to know someone. When I walk towards them,all the girls gave me a cold stare. Woohyun and I talked the whole time but I felt someone staring at me so turn to see Myungsoo looking at me. Then he look straight at his work. The bell rang, Myungsoo shot up and left.
"L, L, L, L" said Woohyun.
"Um I have go so bye." Woohyun said as he chase Myungsoo so did these other guys I think 5 of them. I got up and about to go to lunch. When a cute girl came up to me.
" Um do you want to have lunch with me?" She asks.
"Sure" I said.
"And I'm Chorong." she said.
We were off to go the cafeteria but then someone bump me.
"Oops sorry." in a sassy tone.

Hope you guys like so far.

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