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Woohyun P.O.V:
It been three days, they are still missing.
"We can't sit here and wait. Let's go find them!" I yell.
"Yeah!" They said.
We headed to leave but.
"Chorong you stay here to see if they have any news about them." said Sungkyu.
"Okay." she said as she turn back.

Eunji P.O.V:
"I'm so tired of walking." I whined as I followed Myungsoo.
Then the bush started shaking, I got scared and ran toward Myungsoo but I trip over a root.
"Oww." I moan.
Pop out a squirrel.
Myungsoo laughed.
"Yah. It not funny. I was scared to death." I said as I tried to get up but fail.
"Are you okay?" he said as he tries help me.
"Wow, now you help. I don't need it." I said as I push him and tried to get up but fail again.
My ankle hurt so bad. I must of sprain it when I tripped. I pull my ankle towards me and squeeze it tight because it was so painful.
"Get on my back." Myungsoo said as he turn his back to me.
"What!?" I said.
"Hurry up." he said as he grab my hand to put over his shoulder.
He piggy back me the whole way.

Night has come. Myungsoo made a fire. I was sitting there.
"Go rest." he said.
"Where?" I said.
"There." he said as he pointed.
I limp over there and lay down, close my eyes.
Then I heard a branch break. My eye shot open. I heard leaf rustling, I shot up and limp back toward Myungsoo.
"I though you were sleeping?" he said.
"Oh no. I'm not tired." I lied.
He just smile.
"Yah, it not like I'm scared or anything." I said as I push his head lightly.
"What? I didn't said anything. So does that mean you are scared." he teased.
"Aaa........ Fine! I am scared so what." I said.
He chuckled quietly.
"Here you can sleep on my shoulder."he said.
He weird. He was mean then the next minute he nice. Mmm.... (Giving suspicious looks)
"What?" He said.
"Nothing." I said.
"So you don't want to sleep on my shoulder. Fine with me. You can go sleep with your little bugs and animals over there or even worse monster." he teased.
"No no no." I said as I put my head on his shoulder.
Then I look at him. He was smiling. Mmmm weird.

Next morning, I open my eyes to see that I'm still sleeping on Myungsoo's shoulder. Then that when Myungsoo woke up too. We both got up but I forgot my ankle so I fell back down.
"Are you okay?" he said.
"Yeah. I just I forgot." I said.
"You stay here." he said as he grab his bag.
He open his bag and throw me junk food. These past days we been eating junk food he brought with him.
"So how is your head?" he ask.
"It's getting better but it still hurts sometimes." I said.
He put a new bandage on.
"Okay that the last bandage." he said.

After that, I got on his back and we continue to walk. It was pretty awkward.
"Um, what you favorite color?" I ask trying to break the silence.
"Black. Why you want to know? Are you interested in me?" he teased me.
"Ewww no." I lied.
Okay I'll admit I like him but I'm telling him yet.
"Then why? Huh?" he continued to tease me.
"Just cause." I said.
"Oh." he said as he smirk.
After that we continue to talk to each other and mess with each other. It sort of made us closer to each other more.

Myungsoo and I was laughing and messing around with each other. I was messing with Myungsoo hair.
"L! EUNJI!" someone yelled.
We both turn our head to see the guys (Sungkyu, Sungjong, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Hoya, and Woohyun) running towards us.
"You guys okay? Where were you guys? Are you guys hurt anywhere?" they all ask at once.
"One at a time!" Myungsoo yelled.
They all quiet down.
"Are you guys okay?" ask Sungkyu.
"I'm okay but Eunji sprain her ankle and has a wound on her head. I tell you guys the rest later. Let's go home." Myungsoo said.

We head back. When we arrived the campsite everyone ran to us. There I see auntie and uncle running towards us. They hugs us so tight, I couldn't breathe.
"Are you two okay. Are you hurt anywhere." They ask.
"Eunji , are you okay?! Does it hurt?! Let go to the nurse tent!"they said as they rush me towards the tent.
The nurse bandage my wound and ankle. I pack my stuff and we left home.

Finally we got home, auntie and uncle help me to my room. As for Myungsoo, he grab our stuff.

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