Chapter 1

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The air was cool and the sun had disappeared behind the horizon. If it were not for the street light hanging lazily the street would be pitch black.

I was heading home after a very tiring day of work. The street was unusually quiet and still, it was like a scene from a movie before the girls is attacked. I hitched my bag hire up on to my shoulder as kept walking always looking for any sign of trouble.

Half way down the street I remember a short cut that would take me through a small patch of forest, the short cut would cut the myjourney home in half. Filled with excitement I turned down the small dirt path and walked happily into the forest.

As I got further into the forest I realised this was a very bad idea. I could barely see my hand in front of my face and the haunting noise that the wild life was making were not helping to settle my already racing heart. My eyes darted side to side; my breath was coming in sharp and sallow. Every little sound would frighten me. I could not see where I was going; I was starting to panic.

I quickly opened my bag and started digging through it trying to find my phone for some source of light. I was not looking where I was going; I was too busy fumbling with my phone. My foot collided with the edge of the path and sent me tumbling down the steep side of the bank.

I desperately clawed at the direction that I come from, trying to grab onto something, but all I came up with was dirt.

I rolled helplessly down the hill hit slightly raised tree roots and other harmful things.

It felt like I had been falling for ages, before I came to a stop.

My eyes burst open, my body ached from where I had collided with rock and slightly raised tree roots. I looked up to see a young man gripping my arm.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he pulled me up to him. I tried to stand but fell again. Pain shot up my leg; damn I must have broken my ankle.

"No I think I broke my ankle." I said as I gingerly touched my ankle. I cringed slightly yup it was defiantly broken or very badly sprained.

"Okay, let's get you to hospital." He said grabbing my bag from a bush; I had not even seen it lying there.

"You don't have to do that." I said trying to stand without putting any pressure on my ankle but fell, to my surprise he caught me.

"Now, what kind of person would that make me if I left you alone and injured?" he smiled but it faded "You don't have to do this alone." He pulled my arm around his neck and lifted me in to his arms.

I gasped slightly, he smiled at me "I ... ca...can walk."

His smiled widened at my stumbling.

"It's quicker this way." He started to walk back up the side of the hill that I fell down.

"But I am too heavy for you to carry the whole way. Or am I not that heavy?"

He chuckled "Not really I will probably feel your weight towards the top of the hill. You fell quite far."

I looked to the top of the hill. Dam I had fell far I am surprised that I don't have any more injures.

"How did you catch up with me?

"Good question, but I think you should stop talking save your energy for when the adrenaline fades from your system. Rest you are going to need it, but don't fall asleep the last thing I need is for you to go into a coma." I smiled and fought to keep eyes open. I looked up into the sky the moon was high and it was a beautiful night clear sky, the stars shining bright and the moon was a beautiful silver. The whole scenery was beautiful and calming.

"Okay I think I preferred it when you were talking." he whispered. I turned to face not realising how close he was. Our lips were millimetres away from my own.

I forgot about the world around me it was only him and me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body into mine. His hand was touching a patch of skin on my arm and that spot was burning, but it didn't hurt it was pleasant. He leaned in and lightly pressed his lips against my lips. He was so soft the kiss felt like a feather floating across my lips. I looked into his eyes, they were deep dark green but they had sliver lines running through his iris.

"I am sorry." He whispered

"For what?" I muttered confused. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"You are not going home tonight."


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