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Gone. Realizing that I was in the middle of the street,where anyone or anything could see me I darted into the shadows. Turning to stare wistfully back at the kitchen knives lodged into the zombies throat I continued back towards my house.

Finally I reached my street and froze. Infested,Over run. Infected. Everywhere. I didn't see a single live person in sight. Yepp, going back home sure wasn't an option, there were zombies roaming around my yard too. How did the virus spread so fast, this shouldn't have happened overnight. The virus must have been dormant inside of someone slowly being spread. Last time I checked there were no current outbreaks of anything serious. Did the virus sit and wait,like a predator waiting for the right moment to make it's move? Did I have it, slowly ticking away at my life without me knowing?

After my my melodramatic meltdown I hurried around to the back of the house where the door to the garage was. Hopefully when my father turned his keys weren't with him. Tiptoeing around to the door I got the spare key from under a flower pot and opened the door. Instantly I was hit with the smell of smoke. The thrum of my father's black Hummer was loud. Shit no time to stop for another knife, not unless I wanted to die of smoke inhalation before I got there. Putting my shirt over my nose and my mouth I dashed to the drivers side of the car. The door was wide open. Jumping in I tossed my bag in the back and slammed the door shut, with one hand the pressed against my face I started the car and put it into drive. Searching for the garage opener I found it quickly and slammed the button. The door seemed to take forever to open and I was starting to get light headed and dizzy. White dots started to appear in my vision.

Finally it opened, slamming on the gas I drove out of there like a bat out of hell. Rolling the windows down all the way I hurriedly drove past the slow reacting zombies and out of my driveway. Those unlucky few who were too slow to move out of the way were ran over. My father had never been a truck person so he got a black Hummer. I always joked with my friends that if there ever was a zombie apocalypse the hummer would be the car I'd use. Karma sure had a weird since of humor. Anyways, as the rest of the fumes drifted out of the car I started felling better. Rolling up the windows a bit I drove towards the town plaza,hoping that maybe the towns folk,the surviving ones anyway, had gathered there in one of the stores to figure out what to do. With my luck I highly doubted it.

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