The Epic Hero

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Rose practiced her swordsmanship on her practice dummies as her Uncle Koli sat nearby eating underneath the oak tree in the backyard.

"You still didn't explain my blackouts and weird dreams or why there is a monster in the town that everyone, but I, have seen."

Koli examined his bitten apple and glanced at Rose, "......your elbows are too low."

"No they are not. I think by now I would know how to position my elbows."

"You are only fifteen."

"I've been doing this for years uncle."

Koli mumbles, "Only for eight years."

Rose pouts, "I am the prodigy of the town. Slayer of the Malevolent! The sword dancer!"

"Those are only titles, they mean nothing."

"To the town of Chester, they do."

Koli scoffs as he finishes his apple and throws out the bare core in the trash. He takes his place under the oak tree again, crossing his legs as he sat down, "Those towns folk are just filling your head with nonsense."

Rose tightens her grip on her sword, "Are you sure they are to blame for the nonsense in my head or is it you?"

Koli begins to become angered and picks up a rotten apple from the oak tree's base, "This is what is going to happen to you if you let this tomfoolery and arrogance shape who you are! A beautiful fruit of nature herself defiled by the mold and worms of humans around her!"

"Why must you always speak in riddles Koli?!"

"Why must you be so naive and gullible Rose?! If they told you to jump off a cliff and said you would grow wings and soar, would you believe them?! Would you soar straight into death because of their pathetic belief that you are some epic hero?!!!!"

Rose looked at her reflection in her sword, Crimson Reaper, is she really that naive...that gullible? Was she as easy to dupe as Koli says? She felt her eyes water as Koli's words stabbed her heart like daggers. She allowed her emotions to get the best of her and with a powerful strike she took off the head of her target. The head dropped to the ground and rolled over to Koli, who picked it up and stared into its lifeless face.


Rose doesn't speak nor does she make eye contact with Koli. Instead, Rose sheathes her sword and heads towards Chester, leaving Koli behind with only a decapitated dummy as his companion.

Koli watched as Rose left. When she was out of earshot, he pressed his forehead against that of the dummy's forehead.

"To be or not to be? That tis the question. Whether tis nobler in my mind to suffer the slings and arrows of the past or the unpredictable tides in the sea of emotions known as my young maiden. If only she knew the truth that laid far beyond. If only she was as cunning as her two parents. Was it to be or not to be? Or tis our wyrd in the pruny, foul hands of the mistresses of sorcery? If only she knew."

Koli latches the decapitated head back onto the rest of its body and took his place back under his ominous open oak tree. He brush a hand through his raven like hair and sighed.

"I shouldn't have done what I did all those years ago....."

A/N: Sorry that the chapter is so short guys! I promise that next week's update will be a goosebump bringer!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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