The Story Of My Life (Prodigy Love Story)

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" Why do I always have to go through this mom? All I tried to do was treat him right! I Love him and he's my everything.. We have a daughter.. if he leaves.. that's gonna hurt my baby! *cries* I want him back! I need him back.. I just want him to know how he's hurting me! and how this is affecting our baby girl! How could he do this to me *cries harder* I feel like there is a hole through my heart and its killing me... its eating me alive momma... Y cant Craig just open his eyes and notice we all make mistakes.. STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM THEM" *holds her head in her hands*

"Baby you gotta get on your knees and pray for Prodigy. He's obviously going through something. You cant make that man stay.. If he wants to be let him be.. instead of making him suffer. I know he loves you and that baby girl because he shows it all the time. Everything is a big raft for u guys. God is trying to make you stronger... its up to you take that challenge and win it *she said then hugged her 24year old baby girl* its okay to cry we all have to cry sometime... u just gotta work with prod he just gotta think about some things, Bt look at me *she said while lifting my face* youre an adult now u have to learn to grow up and stop being a baby u are. You're a woman u have a daughter and a man and you're acting like you're your daughter... GROW UP YOU GOTTA GROW UP SOMEDAY.. Momma not gone be on Earth with u all the time.. You gotta learn for yourself"

 I was crying.. heart, soul, EVERYTHING was broken. I couldn't stand to look at Craig after all that we've been going through. You ever had that special person no matter what that person do you just cant let him go. I LOVE Him and my daughter. I know he loves us too. I Just cant Take This SHIT Anymore!! That's what my mouth say bt that heart of mines runs back everytime. Im sick of him saying sorry when he don't mean the BS! Our daughter she worries about him and after she saw what happen... that INSTANTLY Broke my heart ! Neither Craig Nor I Wanted to let my babygirl ever get that experience/witness to see our arguments/ fights. 

There I was day dreaming.. again about my mom helping me with one of Me and Craig's Situations. I missed her a lot. I could tell her everything... and she'll know EXACTLY what to do to help me.. I placed the rose on her grave as I rubbed her picture and smiled as tears ran down my face. I know she's in heaven.. she had such a Strong faith in God and I know he couldn't wait to call his angel home. Today was her birthday and I could see that big wide smile of hers and I can see her enjoying her dinner with my two sisters and I. Oh how I missed you momma I know you miss your baby girl too. Bt then you're gone to your true home while im here on Earth suffering from hurt and pain with my baby girl. HELP ME FROM HEAVEN I NEED YOU!!! IDK HOW TO GROW UP YET MOMMA!


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