✣| McCann's Girl 1 |✣

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8:45pm .It was just about time to get ready for my pops event and I was putting on the dress that I got at auroras boutique , it was a simple Ombré blue color dress and it reached all the way to my feet. "Oh sweetie , you look beautiful" I twirled around then stopped and looked at mom , I smiled at her and looked down at the dress "I love it momma!" She smiled and came closer,

"I've always told you blue looks beautiful on you cause it compliments your eyes and makes them see more... blue"I smiled and blushed. "Now sit down babygirl , I gotta do your hair and makeup" I giggled and sat down on my white vanity chair.

Momma had done loose curls on my hair and she put alittle of Red Lipgloss and clear mascara on since supposedly I already had pretty long eyelashes. Right now she was helping me put on my diamond heart , Tiffany necklace. I had already put on my diamond earrings and my silver pumps that were about only 3 inches so considering I'm 5'0 it didn't really helped my height.

After she finished locking my necklace , Momma went to my vanity and checked if she had to do any touch-ups to her makeup. "Darlings the limo is here!" Pops shouted from downstairs.

As soon as he saw us he awed and kissed our foreheads.
"My queen & princess, how could I live without y'all"I giggled as mom and dad kissed eachother

"H-hurry love birds" I said as I opened the door and went towards the limo.


My hands were both starting to get sweaty and I start pinching at my wrist. I hate going to places were theirs a lot of commotion, for petes sake I can't even ask or tell someone or anyone anything my parents are the ones that speak for me most of the times & I've been this way since little to be honest , so I became home school and my parents avoid going to physiatrist for help because I was 'okay'.

"NATHALIE, STOP!" My eyes were finally drawn away from the window to my dads face all worried, he was hold onto my hands tightly.
"Ugh Meredith get the aid kit" momma quickly got it from under the seat and passed it to dad. He quickly wrapped my wrist up and sigh when he finished.

"What did I tell you about this Nathalie?!, can't you see this is a really important event and I don't need you embarrassing me ." My eyes traveled to the ground and I could feel wet tears fall down my cheeks and then salted up my lips.

He sighed and wiped away my tears with a handkerchief. "Now once we step outside not a word about this and you better smile, Nathalie" I nodded and continued looking down ashamed of myself.

I heard the door opened then shut . My head quickly turn to the window and I saw them walking away hand in hand. This is a big place and I certainly don't wanna get lost so I quickly opened the door and slide off the seat . I stood still for a few seconds, admiring the place then I speed walked to the direction they went.

 I stood still for a few seconds, admiring the place then I speed walked to the direction they went

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Jason's Girl {J.M} HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now