::Chapter 2::

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::Chapter 2::

Sam's POV

After we were done at the chocolate store. Harry took a turn of driving and he was driving me home. I was still wondering about his "FEW FRIENDS" coming over. If he was planning to ask me out today and do romantic stuff why did he want his friends coming over.But anyways I looked over at Harry,he had a huge grin on his face.Why are you so happy I asked Harry. Well we are gonna hang out with my tomorrow that was just a lie for you to get mysterious. I love it get mysterious because you get all.... you know..... you get all. Harry was trying to say something and I had to push it out of him as usual. I get what Harry? I asked. You get all cute and then you get even more cuter then you turn into the most beautiful creature I have ever seen and then there's the point I feel like I just want to spend the rest of my life with you Harry explained. I know Harry said that to make me blush Harry ALWAYS know how to impress the ladies.Harry giggled. I took a glance out the window and we were in the middle of absolutely no where. Where are we? I asked. You'll see Harry said with grin still on his face.We pulled up to this large abandon house. It had vines growing on it the windows were so dirty you couldn't see anything through it and then there was a beautiful big gate in front of the house. Harry pulled up to the house and stopped the car. He ran out the other side to open the door for me. Your such a gentlemen I said still blushing. Harry grabbed my hand and we started to walk. So where are we exactly I asked. We are where my dad took my mom when he first asked her out. Well where's your dad now I have never seen him befo- Harry cut me off my dad died when I was 10 he died in the army a he was going into the battle when a bomb went off and yah. I AM SOO SORRY HARRY I DIDNT KNOW I ... I ...IM SORRY. I saw that Harry started to cry. He started to ball and he let go of my hand and covered his face as he began to cry. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. I love you Sam your always there I love you so much said Harry. We stood there for a while until Harry stopped crying. He grabbed my hand again and began to walk. I'm sorry Sam my emotions just sometimes takeover Harry said. Its okay Harry I am always be here for you. We got to the gates and Harry told me to get on his back. Why I said . I'm gonna carry you over I know you can't climb gates Harry said with a smile. We got over the gates . Harry put his hands on my eyes and was leading me somewhere. Finally we came to a stop. He took his hands off my eyes. (Gasp) I said. It was a little mini garden with a pond, a little bridge, trees everywhere and the sunlight reflected off the lake perfectly. I ran over to the lake. I saw fish and turtles in the pond and ducks were all over. I looked at Harry and smiled. He took out a piece of bread and gave me to feed the ducks and fishes. Harry sat down beside a tree he patted on his lap wanting me to sit on his lap. I sat on his lap and we started to feed the ducks. One duck came over to me and Harry took the bread out of his hand and bit his finger. AHH Harry screamed. I started to giggle. Oh.. You think that's funny Harry said. He tackled me to the ground where to the point he was on top of me. He fell over and we both started laughing. Then we kissed. I love it when we kiss there's this spark I've never felt with anybody.We stayed there for like an hour cuddling and snuggling.The duck that bit Harry came over and snuggled with us. Oh now you want me Harry said to the duck. The duck quacked. We both giggled we stayed there for a while until it was until sunset. We should probably start to leave by now I said to Harry. Yah we might said Harry. We got up and the duck quacked. Bye little guy I will see you soon. The duck quacked back. Than me and Harry walked back to the car and hopped in. It is gonna be way to long until we get to your house sooooooooo do you want to stay the night at my house Harry asked nervously. Yah sure let me just call my mom and let her know I said.

(I'm gonna skip the convo)

She said I could but could you take me to my house in the morning I asked of course beautiful Harry said.I started to blush. We finally got to Harry's house. His little sister was waiting for him in the living room. Harry opened the front door and his little sister ran up to Harry and gave him a huge hug. Sam this is Becca , Becca this is Sam. Becca ran up to Sam and held her hand out. Becca introduced herself.Hi , my name is Becca Styles and I'm Harry's little sister. Hi , my name is Sam Rose. Are you spending the night ? Becca asked. Um yah and than I'm leaving in the morning I explained. Awwwwww dangit I wanted you to stay a little longer. Alright Becca when I'm done getting Sam settled I will come tuck you in Harry said. Alright big bro Becca said as she ran upstairs to her room waiting for Harry.Harry took my hand and led me to his room. He took my stuff and put it on top of his dresser. He let me borrow one of his really baggy shirts. It smelled minty I couldn't stop smelling it. You enjoying your self Harry said as he smiled. I started to laugh.Harry showed me his king sized bed. Hop in I will be right back Harry said.


Harry POV

I ran to Becca's room. She was sitting on her bed reading a book about this group called Mittle Lix (See what I did there 😆) Come on Becca time to go to bed I said.Awwwwww a few more minutes PLLLLLEEEEEEAAASSE Harry Becca asked. I'm sorry Becca you have to go to bed I said. I tucked her in and put her book on her bedside table. I kissed her forehead and said goodnight. I ran back to my room where Sam was probably sleeping. I opened the door quietly. And there she was , sound asleep. I crawled in next to her. I kissed her one more time and we cuddled with each other and I thought to myself. Man...... I really love this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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