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Wednesday, the most boring day of the week. Maya picks Riley up as usual, they eat some boring oatmeal, they ride the boring subway, they go to boring class after boring class, and end up at Topanga's with the boys. Everyone seems to be moving slower today out of boredom, except for Farkle, cause he's on a mission to get to the bottom of things.
"Maya, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Do I have to move?"
"You don't have to, but I think you want to." Maya could tell Farkle meant what he said, so reluctantly she follows him outside.
"What's this about, Minkus? Why'd you take my from my smoothie?"
"Why did you give Riley Lucas?"
"Maya, if you liked Lucas this whole time then why did you give Riley Lucas?"
"Because, he's her knight, her Cory, he's perfect for her, he makes her happy" Maya looks defeated when she says this, and Farkle definitely notices
"It's not Lucas you like, is it?" Maya's eyes go wide "It's Riley, it always has been"
"Farkle, that's one of the stupidest things you've ever said, she's my best friend. I only love her as a friend. That's it." Maya is a good actress when she wants to be, but she wasn't fooling anyone as she said this
"Maya you have to tell her, she deserves to know, and so does Lucas."
"They don't need to know anything because there's nothing for them to know. Now I'm going to go in there, finish my smoothie, and we will never speak of this again." And Maya does just that, she turns into the bakery, sits next to Riley and grabs her smoothie with a huff. Farkle follows her, deep in thought and sits next to Lucas. Lucas and Riley share a look of concern
"Maya? Farkle?"
"Did something happen?"
"Everything is just peachy, Riles." Maya shot a glare towards Farkle "Nothing happened"
"Maya, tell them or I will." Farkle and Maya have a silent conversation, Riley and Lucas are growing concerned
"Farkle. Like I told you out there, there is nothing to tell them."
"What is there to tell us, exactly?" Lucas asks, regretting it once he sees the look Maya gives him
"It's just that Maya doesn't like Lucas, she likes Ri-" Farkle gets cut off by Maya's smoothie "Dang it Maya! They have to know!"
"They don't have to know anything! No one needs to know anything! You don't know anything! Ok!?"
"Maya, Riley is going to find out eventually! You two are best friends!"
"That doesn't mean she has to know I love her!!"
"What?" At the sound of Riley's voice, Maya realizes where she is, and what she just shouted. She turns to run, "Peaches" she turns back around to face the girl she loves, tears in her eyes "I- I love you too"
No one can really say who leaned in first, but when their lips met, all of Topanga's applauded, including Katy, Topanga, and even Lucas.
Maybe Wednesdays aren't that boring after all

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