Dilemma (part 2)

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Maya swiftly breaks the moment by turning her back to Riley and pulling up the covers. She would never admit it, but she's terrified. "We should sleep, its late."
Riley is startled by the sudden shift of mood. Shouldn't this be a joyous occasion? They had matching tattoos for petes sake! But it is getting late, so she shakes her head in confusion and snuggles down for a restless night.
When Maya's alarm goes off at six as promised, Maya isn't in bed. Riley hurriedly clicks off the clock and surveys the room for clues as to where her apparent soulmate disappeared to.
When the room reveals none of its secrets, Riley sighs at her dilemma. How can they fall for each other and get married and live happily ever after, if Maya isn't here to talk to her?
Meanwhile, Maya has been in the lodge's lobby since about four in the morning, just thinking. Of course she knew that it was a possibility 'Riley' might be the ball of sunshine she's rooming with, but she never wanted 'Riley' to be a girl.
Maya's sexuality was a topic she avoided at all costs. She hated that she couldn't ignore her feelings for girls and she hated she didn't feel those feelings for boys. She didn't want the repercussions and backlash and judgement that came with being different. Same sex soulmates weren't unheard of, but many people thought those couples were defects. She couldn't deny that she felt a connection to the other girl though. And that was terrifying.
When Riley was finished getting ready for the day and Maya still had not appeared, she carefully crept though the halls of the lodge, painfully aware that most of it's residents were still peacefully dozing. When she finds her, she is sitting on a couch, facing the hearth with her knees tucked up to her chin. Riley makes her way over to her soulmate, and she can tell she needs to proceed with caution. "Can I sit with you?" Maya tilts her head up, she isn't surprised to see the other girl, she knew this was probably coming, but she reaffirms her gaze on the fire and doesn't respond. Riley takes the seat.

Neither one speaks. Both know they should talk, both know the other needs time.

Riley speaks first, her hesitance coming through in her tone, "Maya... Why don't you like me?"

Maya's face is apologetic as she turns to the other girl. She hadn't meant to offend the little sun beam, its her own fault she doesn't want to love her. "I do like you Riley... I just- I had hoped, I mean- Well, I never really wanted you to be-"

"A girl?" Maya nods, Riley gets it. She reaches for her hand, "Maya, I know this is scary, but this is the world we live in and I want you to live it with me." Maya ducks her head, she knows fate is pretty inevitable. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel... alright."

"Then lets take on the world!"

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