Strange little habit.

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Ren thought nothing of it when the General did it the first time a small brush of their noses and a blushing General and the feeling of affection pouring off of the general is all the knight got out of the other man after one of their usual relaxing affectionate kisses after Hux got off his shift. Ren was used to Hux's little oddities due to him being so emotionally stunted in a way where Ren had to explain certain feelings that Hux would describe. Hux denied being anything of the sort. Kylo would find It cute if Hux wasn't a full grown man having to ask Ren to identify what he was feeling.

The General would press his nose against Ren's own nose, or his helmet when no one was looking. Before Ren would go off for a mission Hux would bump his nose against the front of his helmet and then flash a brief good luck smile and turned away and let Kylo go off to complete his mission. Kylo just let the small General go about it, and he didn't dare to question it in fear of discouraging the man. Hux looked so happy as if he was making Ren happy as if it was the strongest act of adoration Hux could manage.

Hux brushed noses with Ren after their audience with the supreme leader. The tip of Hux's nose brushed up the side of Kylo's nose near his eye and then back down crossing over to give the same treatment to the other side of his nose. Ren stood perfectly still as if he would spook the other man if he would even breathe wrong, he was fascinated by how tranquil and happy Hux seemed to be.

"Hux, why do you keep pressing your nose against mine?" Ren asked after a while of Hux bumping his nose against him.

The ginger seemed to freeze and the he pulled away his cheeks flushed, his blue eyes met with the brown almost Amber eyes of Kylo the General seemed hesitatint to tell him, but he opened his mouth before Ren got a chance to reach into his mind to see for himself.

"I..I am kissing you." Hux sounded almost sheepish.

"Kissing me? Hux that's not a kiss you're nuzzling me like a little puppy." Kylo said with a soft laugh, and stopped when he saw the Generals eyes trailed on the floor.

"It's's a type of kiss..on Arkanis..running each others noses together was a popular sign of parents did it once..and only once after I graduated from the was the one day they said that they loved me."

Hux gasped softly in surprise when Ren suddenly pressed the tip of his nose against the Generals and the two of them started rubbing their noses together gently. They both looked like a pair of birds nuzzling each other. Ren smiled and cooed at the General softly and praising him making a shudder travel up the generals spine. Kylo pressed his lips against the Generals giving him a soft kiss before they went back to nuzzling each other. Kylo couldn't help but let out a laugh the Generals eyes were shut with his ginger lashes laid softly against his cheek, he looked so happy with his flustered blush and crinkled pink little nose.

"You're so adorable." Ren wrapped Hux up in his large strong arms.

"Oh please Ren I am most definitely the opposite of..that." Hux said distastefully playing off the burst happiness he got when Ren praised him.

The knight picked him up and threw him over his shoulder patting his backside teasingly "ah General you should get used to being complimented." Ren said obvious humor in his voice as he started walking out the blaster doors.

Hux let out an indignant yelp as he was thrown over the mans shoulder and hauled off to where ever the knight pleased. "Kylo Ren unhand me this instant! I forbid you to let m-my men see me being carried around like some sort of prize!"

Ren walked down the corridors with Hux beating at his back yelling all sorts of profanities as officers and Stormtroopers stood back silently and watched with a mix of amusement and horror that their General was put in such a position.

"Ren you absolute mangy, filthy, horrible, disastrous animal!!"

"That's not what you said the other night.." that shut the General up he thought. "And that's not what you're going to say now.~" Ren said in a sing song voice aggravating the general even more.

"You're childish Ren.."

"But you love me~"

"Not in front of my men you idiot!" Hux growled and then sighed, groaning he let himself be carried away by his not very discreet lover to his quarters and attend to whatever need the knight may have in mind. Some people know exactly what it was, but others choose to seem innocent and think they're just going to cuddle. Sadly for Hux that was not the case.

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