Chapter 4: The Other Half

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Lunchtime couldn't have come sooner, she didn't have a single class with Finn. And even though they shared a room she couldn't wait until nighttime to see him again. She spotted him easily, he was the tallest in the group of boys he stood with. A pale blue-eyed guy with perfectly coiffed hair, an Asian guy with strong features and a kind smile, a blindingly blonde guy with Angelina Jolie lips, A broad mohawked guy with a smarmy grin, a bespectacled wheelchair bound guy with shaggy hair, and a cute vaguely Eurasian looking guy with thick wavy hair. They were all so cute, even the wheelchair kid had a certain appeal about him, but even still her eyes went directly to Finn. She didn't know what it was about him, but just looking at his face made her feel warm inside. She wondered if she had the same effect on him, but then she realized how stupid it was to even consider that. It was the first time in years on the Broadway that she ever found herself wishing that a guy she liked was gay.

"Hey Daniel," Finn called out to her. She smiled and waved a little, hoping her wave wasn't too girly before walking up to join them.

"'sup Finn," she said coolly.

"I wanted to introduce you to the guys," Finn said. This is Artie, Puck, Blaine, Sam, Mike, and my step brother Kurt. Guys, this is Daniel"

"It's great to meet you," Blaine said brightly, extending his hand for her to shake. "So is it just Daniel or do you have a nickname."

She hadn't thought about a nickname. "Um... Dan is fine, or Danny. My friends at the theatre school sometimes call me Method but I don't really like that."

"Are you a Rapper?" Artie the boy in the wheelchair said.

"No, I was named after Daniel Day Lewis," She said, impressed by how well the lies were rolling out.

"So I hear you're big into performing," Blaine said. "That's cool, I'm I performer myself. Actually we all are."

"So you're the glee club," She said.

"Well, half the glee club," Finn said. "You'll meet the girls today."

Her heart sank a little, of course there would be girls. "Sounds awesome," she said.

"Wait until you meet Santana Lopez, talk about smokin'" Puck said.

"Yeah, if you're into the cold bitchy types," Finn said.

"You're just pissed because she blew you off last year dude," Mike said.

"I am not," Finn said unconvincingly.

"Yeah, we all know that Quinn's the one who has his balls in her pocket," Puck said.

"Quinn?" Rachel asked

"She's his ex," Sam said.

"Is she pretty?" Rachel asked trying to sound more curious than accusatory.

"More than pretty dude," Sam said. "She makes Cameron Diaz look like Camryn Manheim, one look at her and you'll understand why Finn here is so whipped."

Rachel didn't know where the sudden jealousy was coming from, she knew coming in not to expect a romance, but she couldn't help it. If only Finn knew that there was a cute girl underneath the short hair and sweater vest.

"I'm not whipped, for the thousandth time it's not like that between us anymore,"

"I don't know why dude, how did you manage to let that one go?" Puck said.

"I don't know, it probably had something to do with her fucking a college guy during spring break, now can you drop it? You guys are the worst welcoming committee ever," Finn said.

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