Chapter 8: I Kissed a Boy

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It was Tuesday and Finn hadn't spoken much to anyone. And he tried not to think about the kiss, about the fact that Daniel's lips were as sweet and ripe as a red pomegranate and that he felt it a little in his crotch. He'd never had feelings for a boy before, except for friendship, but there was something very strange about this particular boy. He couldn't stop thinking about him, or trying not to think about him, and it freaked him out. It freaked him out so much that he pretended to sleep the entire two hour train ride home, he spent his lunch hours in the computer lab and had stayed in the student union until they kicked him out every night since the party just to avoid going back to the room, thanking his lucky stars that Daniel was always asleep when he got back. He wasn't just avoiding Daniel though, he avoided everyone who attended the party. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when glee practice rolled around but he figured he'd cross that rickety bridge when he came to it.

"Hey Finn, can we talk?" Kurt said, sitting next to him in the library.

"No, it's the library, you're supposed to be quiet," Finn said. He knew that one of them would track him down eventually, but that didn't make it any less painful.

"Look, I'm not judging you, nobody's judging you. But I saw that kiss, we all did, and if there's something you need to get off your chest..."

"There isn't!" Finn snapped.

"Shh!" went the librarian.

"Very cliché of her," Kurt said under his breath. "Look Finn, I've been through this exact situation and it's never easy."

"I'm not gay Kurt," Finn said quietly but firmly.

"I know, but did you ever consider that you might be bi? According to Blaine it's a real thing."

"Can you just drop it? Please?"

"Okay, you can talk about it when you're ready. I just wanted to say watch out for Daniel."

"Trust me he's the last person I want to talk to right now."

"It's just that I think he's hiding something, I don't know what but it's definitely something."

"Could we not talk about Daniel," Finn said.

"Okay, I'm going. Just remember, if you ever want to talk I'm here." Kurt put his hand on Finn's shoulder and squeezed a little before getting up to go.

Finn sat there for a few minutes, trying to read the Arthur Ashe Biography he'd selected and finding himself stuck on the same sentence until finally he groaned in frustration, slammed the book shut and shot up from his chair, needing to splash some cold water on his face.

She had to talk to him, she knew it was best to give him his space, which was why she pretended to be asleep when he came back to the dorm and left in the morning, but at that point it had been three days, and she couldn't fight it anymore. She had kissed boys before, mostly for plays, but kissing Finn was a new experience entirely. She felt his kiss everywhere, and as soon as he pushed her away her body ached for more. As crazy as it was, she knew he felt something too, and even though he seemed thoroughly dedicated to avoiding her she knew that she needed to confront him about it. And as she spotted him going into the boy's bathroom she knew that it was her chance.

"Finn, we need to talk," Rachel said forcefully going in after him, locking the door and cornering him completely.

"You, stay away from me," Finn seethed.

"Look, about the party."

"Nothing happened," he snapped, seeming more scared than angry. "It was just a stupid game and it didn't mean anything okay."

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