Here's an Information Overload

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"Percy, this is never going to go anywhere," the afore mentioned twenty-two year old mocked. "Come on Jackson, let's actually choose a job, not dick around for a couple years, then work at McDonalds."

"Ha ha, I guess you were actually right, though I'm never trusting you with another life changing decision," Jason responded with a hint of sarcasm whilst flopping down on the couch in the middle of the garage, intertwining his fingers and resting them behind his head.

"Yes you will, because you love me." Percy responded, lifting up the blonde's feet, sitting down, then putting them in his lap.

"Fat chance."

"Ladies, ladies," Nico butted in before Percy could get 'playfully' kicked in the crotch.

The three boys had just gotten back from a road trip. They had driven to Memphis to actually record their first CD. It wasn't with an actual label or anything, but there is a historic recording studio, Sun Records, that let one record there for a price. They had each even gotten to stand and preform where the legendary Elvis had once recorded. What does Elvis have to do with the story? Nothing really, he was just one the triad's inspiration.

Percy, Nico, and Jason had met at a college for the arts, and immediately hit it off. In no time they had all dropped out, Nico in his sophmore year, and Percy and Jason in their junior year. The two latter boys had been a dynamic duo, and had only strengthened when introduced to the younger.

They had all moved into garage together.
In New York.
Money's tight, especially with all the equipment they had to get for the band.

Soon after moving in together, something tragic happened. Percy's longish time girlfriend broke up with him. Perhaps it isn't the most tragic of things, but the event caused reality to crash in on him. The worst part is that it happened before the band had a chance to record anything.

None of them had even gotten a chance to try writing a song before Percy had pumped out a song that was amazingly adequate. It needed help in some places, but that was the type of song everyone expected from Percy: upbeat.

A couple days after the funeral, the trio had hi-tailed it to Memphis to record the song, Train in Vain.

The reason why Percy was mocking his bandmates is because the professional man had said that the song sounded like it could take them somewhere.

The three broke boys living in a rented garage in New York were told their labor of love could get them famous, if only a one hit wonder.

Nico decided to ignore the other two people, and proceeded to collapse on the bed.

Jason was the next person to speak. "So....... Tomorrow let's give this to the radio station? Right now I'm completely pooped."

Percy snorted. "And you barely drove. But I agree. I'm about to pass out." With those being the last words spoken that unusually warm Friday night in November, the young men instantly fell asleep.


The following morning was a complete annoyance to a majority of the band members. It was annoying because the minority was making a ruckus during the art of making breakfast. Nico, the only one who didn't get cramps from the way he had slept the previous night, had gotten up first. No one in the group had known how loud making cereal could really be. The noise caused Percy and Jason to wake up, who then went on to make their own breakfasts.

After all the food was eaten, Percy, Jason, and Nico left the garage lot. "I actually can't believe we're doing this," Nico repeated for what felt like the sixtyith time.

"Yes," Jason started in an exasperated tone. "You've said that before. Just make sure you calm down so the radio guys don't think we're complete dorks." Their local radio station has a.......program, I guess, where new artists can give them their music, and they'll be played throughout the day on Saturday.

"Totally, we need to act cool." As Percy said the last word, he had made the universal cool hand motion; taking his flat had, dipping it down, and jutting it out. (You know what I mean......right?) "I just wonder what they're going to say about it."

"Probably, 'These dweebs came in here earlier and gave us this CD. We couldn't stop laughing the whole way through.'" Jason and Percy laughed at Nico's comment. The boys joked around the rest of the way to the radio station.

Upon entering the building, the secretary woman greeted them, not at all surprised by their spiked hair, eyeliner, and mostly black clothes. "Are you guys here to drop off a song for later today?" She asked, not at all sounding interested in the answer she was about to get.

"Yup, do we just give it to you?" Jason responded, being the most mature out of the three of them.

Her answer was holding her hand out for the disc, and asking, "What's your guys's band and individual names?" The secretary had a sharpie poised over the case, ready to jot down the information.

Jason again took the question. "Our names are Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, and Jason Grace," he motioned to each of the members in turn, "and together we are Cool Band Name."

The lady looked slightly repulsed at the name. But hey, they couldn't think of anything! "Expect this to be played between one and three this afternoon."

They all chimed in on saying, "Thanks!" Before leaving the building for what won't hopefully be the last time.

I won't do song reccomendations on this story because..........of obvious reasons. (it has something to do with the media) The song is "Train in Vain" (obviously) by The Clash.


I'm Not Going to Write You a Love Song (Percy Jackson band AU)Where stories live. Discover now