My Little Stevie

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"BUCKY!" Steve yelled running down the street towards his friend. Bucky was saying goodbye to the two girls from earlier that night. Bucky only hugged the girl not kissing her like she wanted, the girl who Steve was supposed to be on the date with was kissing some guy that Steve didn't know but he could care less he was excited to tell Bucky his news.

"hey punk missed you at the sock hop" Bucky smiled embracing the other before walking off with him smiling at the younger.

"Buck you're never gonna guess what happened" Steve beamed yanking the taller one down the street faster.

"What happened?" he smiled watching the others face as it lit up with each step closer to home.

"I did it I'm in I'm going to join the war" Steve beamed up at the other.

"God your mother would kill me" Bucky mumbled pulling out the apartment key before slipping it into the lock and letting the two of them in.

"What?" Steve was stunned they had been talking about him getting into the army ever since Bucky was recruited.

"Steve, I can't let you go into the army, I just can't what if something happens and you and I'm not there? And what about your heart problems, or your asthma? What if we aren't put in the same unit and you get sick and no one there knows how to take care of you?" Bucky was honestly losing his mind at the idea of Steve going into war, he didn't know how but he was going to get him out of it.

"Buck I'm in the hundred and seventh I'm going to be with you why are you panicking? I can do this Buck I need to do this if I don't do this I'm going to go insane" Steve didn't think he would have to justify helping the county to the man he loved.

"Steve please listen to me and stay here" Bucky seemed to be pleading with the younger.

"I will not stay here I'm going and that's final" Steve declared voice rising.

"Steve keep your voice down if you yell you might get winded and you won't be able to breath" Bucky hushed.

"No, I will not keep it down you need to understand I'm going and you can't stop me!" Steve yelled.

"Steve please I'm just try-" Steve's yelling again quickly cut off Bucky.

"YOU'RE TRYING TO KEEP ME FROM DOING RIGHT YOU'RE TRYING TO DESTROY THE ONL-" it was Steve's turn to be cut off by the other but in a different way. Bucky had grabbed the other face and smashed their lips together he had to stoop to meet his lips against the others.

"I don't want to lose my Steve" Bucky whispered softly.

"B-Buck" the other blushed pushing his shoulder turning his face away.

"Aww is my little Stevie blushing" he smirked kissing the others neck while Steve giggled.

"Buck come on" Steve managed through a fit of giggles wiggling around in the Bucky's grip.

"I just can't lose you Steve I don't care if we're in the same platoon I don't care if we're holding hands through the whole damn war if you get hurt or worse I wouldn't be able to go on I would lose my mind I would lose everything and the worse part about the whole thing would be that I couldn't tell anyone I was in love with you" Bucky pressed his forehead against the other trying not to break down in front other Steve because he had always been the strong one in the relationship and if he broke that now he could never forgive himself.

"Buck I'm not going to leave you and I want to show you that" Steve was cherry red and was losing his mind at what he was insinuating.

"Steve are you talking about..." Bucky couldn't push out the rest of his sentence as he quickly grew to be the same color as Steve. Neither one dared to look from their feet that they scuffed against the floor.

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