The Last Dance

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HI guys Near here I am very sorry that I updated this super late I was caught of with so much stuff. Anyways here is the last chapter I hope that you guys read it until the bottom of the page. I will tell you this, the last chapter is longer than the others so please enjoy reading.


In the morning

Norio [thoughts]: Oh I cannot wait to ask Masaaki to the dance to night ^_^.. I hope he still remembers me when we see each other again.

Ichiro [thoughts]: I am so nervous to ask Masaaki to the dance too night. I hope I can convince him to stay as my friend so that he can know me and confess my feelings again.

Erii [thoughts]: I hope I can gain more information about that Akira who Ichiro love's so much so I can have this dance with Ichiro tonight.

In Masaaki's class

Teacher: As all you know this is the last day of the festival and I hope you guys still can be good and get a partner for the closing dance ceremony tonight.

All students: Yesss SENSEI!!

Teacher: Good. Make sure you guys have a partner and don't do anything weird and be in trouble with other teachers okey. Now I will end the homeroom hope you enjoy your time going around the school.

All Stdents: Yess Sensei!! You enjoy the last day of festival tooo!! .

Masaaki: So guys what are we going to do today?

Rei: Sorry Masaaki I am busy helping the Karate club today.

Masaaki: EEhhhh???? Why are you helping them even though you are not a part of the club?

Rei: Oh.. one of the freshmen in the Karate club was in our Karate Dojo when we were still in Karate and he asked me if I can help them with their club.

Masaaki: Owww okey then T_T. How about you Ai and Yogi???.

Ai: Sorry Masaaki I am also busy being the representative for our class to monitor the school.

Yogi: I am sorry as well Masaaki my girlfriend is coming today to look over the event booths that each section created. I promised her that I will tour her around the school. I am really sorry about it really.

Masaaki: Why are you guys like this T^T... I thought we will be having fun together and here I am alone rooming the booths all by myself T^T.

AI, Yogi and Rei: We really are sorry Masaaki.

Rei: Try to ask our other classmate to join you for now and we can enjoy our fun after we are done with the things that we need to do is that all right with you??

Masaaki: Okey if you say so Rei. Just make sure to message me before the dance starts okey.

Yogi: Don't worry Masaaki we will make sure to gather later with you. Make sure to stay at our usual spot when we hang out the four of us okey.

Masaaki: Okey just don't forget to message me okey.

Ai: Don't worry Masaaki we will. We will never forget about you. I know you know that.

Masaaki: I am just making sure about it okey ^_^.. then see later guys. Enjoy your time without me ... lols just kidding okey see you later.

Ai, Yogi, and Rei: See you later Masaaki.

Narr: While the other guys are busy Masaaki tries to wonder around the school campus to see the booths that the other sections open up. On the other side Ichiro is searching for Masaaki to talk to him and convinced him to think about his confession too Masaaki. However Masaaki bump into Norio in the hallway in building A in the freshmen section.

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