Chapter 6- Best Friends Forever

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 As I slowly started to drift off to sleep I heard a loud bang. I panicked, and shot up out of bed. I uneasily made my way out of my room, and in to the living room. My anxiety is getting the best of me. I had never been good in hard situations. There was nobody in the living room, and then I heard another loud sound. This time it came from Landon's room. I rushed to his bedroom door, and knocked. I didn't want to interrupt anything, but maybe he was dying. I didn't particularly like him, but I didn't want him to die either. That would just be harsh, because he was a human as well. He had taken care of me after I had sat in the cold for hours in front of his door, and he had rushed in to help me when I was screaming about my nightmares then he stayed until he knew I was okay. That gave me every reason to make sure he was okay. I couldn't just leave him in his room to die, because it was simply quite rude. 

The door swung open in my face so fast that I could feel the air from the force. Landon looked angry, very angry. His hair was scattered everywhere like he had ran his hands through it more times than could be expected. His face was bright red, there was a deep frown on his face, his eyes were dark, and his face was squished up all together. He gave a scary glare, and I stepped back a little bit. 

"What?" he practically yelled in my face. 

"Is everything okay? I just heard some loud noises, and so I was concerned," I mutter uncomfortably.

Landon scoffs at me, and yells,"Did I ask you to be concerned with my life when you moved in?" 

"No," I answer softly.

"I didn't think so, now get out of my room, or better yet get out of my house. I know I can't force you so you have the choice to stay here, but I sure as hell wish you wouldn't. You know what you should be doing?" Landon questions me harshly.

"What?" I respond, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You should be seeing a therapist about your sleep issues, because they are super annoying, and I had annoying," Landon hisses. 

"Aww... You hurt my feelings," I mock Landon with a pout on my face.

I turn around, and begin to walk down the hall when I hear Landon call after me. I knew he would apologize. He didn't seem like the mean type. It was very expected for him to send me a sincere apology, and I would gratefully accept the apology.

"Yeah?" I say, turning around innocently.

"You should actually probably go home, and be with your sister instead of leaving her by herself in her time of need. You couldn't even handle having your sister die in front of you. You coward," Landon smirks at me. 

I stare at him wide eyed. How did he even know about her? I hadn't told anybody about her, and he all of a sudden knew. I bet he was a mind reader, because there was no other way he could have known that my sister had cancer. There was barely anybody who knew about Ariel and her sickness. Even when I was at home, not many people knew about it. We preferred to keep it a secret, but that was a bit hard, so a few people knew. 

"How did you know that?" I ask, my emotions getting the best of me.

"Did you think I was going to let you move in without looking you up. You are the precious sister of Ariel Hansen who has had Leukemia for a few years now. You stuck by her side through everything until just recently," Landon informs me, like I didn't already know. I knew very well what I had done.

I roll my eyes, and turn away from him. I didn't think he had any right to know why I left, because it was simply none of his business. The fact that he was using my sister's cancer against me showed just how low he really was. I stepped into my room, and sat quietly on my bed debating on if it was too late to call Samuel. I needed to talk to somebody, and it was only about eleven in Ireland. 

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