coincidence story one zack & Christine

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     In honor of my beloved it sweetie

There was once a teenage boy, and on the night of a final dance he would bump into a girl, the girl would encourage the boy to let loose and have fun, as the night gone on there were laughs, pure happiness in the air... many days had passed on, the boy had written note to the girl confessing his love to her

At lunch he gave the note to her, two days had passed afraid to talk to her in fear of rejection and judgment, he later message to the girl apologizing because of the note, she had responded to him in doubt, but the boy that ensure her that he will never want to leave her side and that she has his love and trust, true honesty

The girl was flatter by all the messages the boy would send her but what he didn't know is that whenever he said I love you her heart would beat faster

it's love she had never felt before and she loves every minute they talk about there lives and tell story's about there crazy family's she was happy with him even when life would knock her down she knew she had him her prince charming the one to make her smile when she was sad.

Days would go by, giving of roses hugs and kisses upon the cheek, the couple was embarrassed by many getting complemented "the cutest couple ever" and of requested pictures of the couple, and final day of that school year before departing they had hugged the boy would the boy would hear from the girl "i love you so much "
He would respond "I love you too a lot " she had to ask him to go to his bus, but he had stopped her his heart was beating fast and nervous and at that moment the couple had kissed.

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