Unknown world story four

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There was once girl who just seemed like in this world, she was only a ghost to others, very silent and extremely shy hiding from other people on occasion she would get teased and picked on because of her silence, it would continue for months has it would go on the name calling would get to her, becoming depressed and putting those labels upon her it seem she would go home every day hiding her tears so no one shall see, later that night she was looking out her window the stars were clear in the sky childishly attempting to count them, suddenly she had heard of voice it sounds like it teenage boy "Amber... its okay please do not fear I was sent to you " the boy appears in front of Amber long black hair Snow White wings "im zechariah, I was sent here to help you but forgive me I cannot stay long" it had seemed at that moment all her sadness had faded to the deepest of oceans, and it's like Comfort and happiness immediately rushed into her heart and mind they were silent for an moment " I'm giving you the choice amber I can take you to a place that is beyond this world where no pain exists there no tears there's no death, no more mourning, only peace and love the purest of happiness forever" he holds out is hand she slowly takes his hand " before you enter I want to let you know amber that what those kids said means nothing in this world, the only thing that matters is someone's heart in this life what's on the inside matters, its not all about eyes someone acts where the way they are" Zachariah and Amber stand upon the clouds smiles happily holding each other hands " welcome home amber"

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