The Death Of Trust

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The happy pink bunny skipped on the grassy green ground,

The gray skies glooming over him.

Suddenly he saw a giant brown grizzly bear.


"Are you a fan of Katy Perry?" Asked the bunny politely.

"How dare you stupid little gay bunny call me a KatyCat? I'm a Selenator by heart you bitch!" Snapped the bear.

"I eat bears like you as a snack!" Cackled the bunny.

"WHAT???" Said the bear incredulously. "You can't eat me! I shall eat you!"

The happy pink bunny laughed evilly. "Sure I can! You're like a marshmallow! All furry and brown!"

"I'm not sure those are marshmallows..." Said the bear, terrified.

"Of course they are! Now I shall eat you!" Answered the bunny.

"But you're too small to eat me!" Said the bear.

"And you're too large to eat me!" Answered the bunny mischievously.

"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!" Yelled the bear in frustration.

"Want to bet on it?" Asked the bunny.

"Uh..." The giant brown grizzly bear scratched his head. "Uh... Sure."

"We shall each go home and the first to eat the other by dawn, wins!" Exclaimed the bunny.

And they parted their ways and returned home.

The giant brown grizzly bear fell asleep in his cave, unworried. That tiny bunny can't eat him!

But the bunny stayed up planning which horrible way to kill the bear.

At last, he left his small home and started walking towards a the bear's cave with a razor sharp knife that was as large as he was.

He knocked on the cave door. "Hello?"

The bear answered with a loud snore, and the bunny walked in.

Disgusted, the bunny made his way though the bear's gooey drool that was all over the cave.

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Shouted the bunny, looming over the bear with his knife.

The bear shook awake. "WHAT THE HELL?!?" He yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?"

"I am trying to kill you, and you're rather interrupting me." Answered the bunny calmly. "If you could stop moving for one second, I could-"

"NO!!!" Screamed the bear in terror. "YOU CAN'T!"

"Why not?" Asked the bunny, getting annoyed.

"Because..." The bear paused, rather dramatically. "I am your brother."

"Well, then mom has some explanations to give us." Said the bunny in shock.

"So you won't eat me?" Asked the bear hopefully.

"Of course not!" Said the bunny. "I can't eat my own brother!"

"Great," said the bear with an evil smile. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear." He bared his teeth.

"Uh, brother? Brother bear? Buddy?" Stammered the bunny.

"Yes, brother." Said the bear, clutching the bunny in his claws.

"NOOO!!!" Shouted the bunny in pain.

But it was too late. The bear has already eaten the bunny, and won the bet.


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