Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

The elevator doors opened and I felt Victoria's arm link with mine. "It's down here." Gustavo led us down the hall towards a golden plated door where a receptionist stood waiting with a clipboard.

"We're here for the party."

"Names." She said in a curt voice. 

We each gave her our names. Her expression immediately lit up and her mouth stretched into a toothy grin. "So nice to finally meet our beautiful guest!"

"'Guest?'" Jules repeated.

The woman looked at me sweetly. "Why the bride of course! I must say you do look quite young."


"Amber, breathe." Victoria started fanning my panicked face.

"Don't worry sweetie, this is just your engagement party. Wait till your wedding day." She chuckled like it was some kind of inside joke. Still laughing, she opened the doors for us to go through.

"Oh my god. How many people do your parents know?" Victoria muttered in disbelief. We didn't walk into a room, no, we walked into an overcrowded ballroom. It seemed to go on forever, holding the crowds of people dressed their finest. In other words, a lot of blinding jewelry and fancy clothes meant to outdo the other. Everyone wore pleasant smiles on their faces, making small talk with complete strangers that only have similar bank statements in common.

"What is all of this?" I asked no one in particular. "I was never informed about any of this." 

"Look." Jules nodded his head to the front of the room, where a large table seating my parents, Ky and his parents stood covered in pure white tablecloth and red rose petals.

"I'm gonna kill him," I said with a venomous tone.

"Not if I get to him first," Jules laughed humorously. 

"We'll take turns," Victoria added.

"This should be interesting," Gustavo said as we made our through the throngs of people. Some who recognized me stopped to give their "congratulations." Of course, being the good daughter I am, took it all with tight lipped smiles when all I wanted to do was break every one of their champagne glasses over their heads. When we finally reached the table, I had to focus my attention on my parents and not the sharp silverware that could scar Ky's "pretty" model face.

"Mother. Father."

They immediately jumped up from their seats. "Amber."

"There's my beautiful fiancee." He had the nerve to give me a toothy grin that probably would have had girls swooning. But I knew what was behind that evil smirk.

"You have a lot of nerve." Jules stepped forward. "Ain't no way in hell Amber is marrying you."

A confused expression crossed Ky's face for just a split second. "Oh, I see. Amber hasn't told you."

"What haven't I told him?" I said through gritted teeth.

"It's true she was against it at first but she's had a change of heart. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You didn't tell your parents either." He had the nerve to give me a sad look.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. "I know English isn't my first language but it seems like it isn't yours either. When did I ever have a change of heart, pray tell?"

My parents looked confused. "You actually believed him?" I asked my parents. "When will you ever stop?"

My mother looked ready to say something when Ky interrupted her. "Dear, may I speak with you a moment. In private."

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