Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

            I stayed in the hospital the rest of the week. Each day, the room got smaller as it filled with balloons and flowers and smelled of baked lasagna. Each day, Damien came to see me in the afternoon, stayed with me until it got dark, and repeated the cycle again.

            Each time he walked through that door and gave me his trademark smile, my heart skipped a beat. Today was no different. “Hey you.” He bounced into the room and plopped down on the black chair that became his own. “I brought you something.”

            Curiosity beheld me. “What is it?”

            He smiled at my reaction and reached into the pocket of his leather jacket. When most guys say they have something for you and reach into their pocket, you think its diamonds or jewels. A ring. A bracelet. A necklace. Something luxurious, extravagant. But what Damien pulled out of his pocket was none of those. Instead, he pulled out a pair of black fingerless gloves exactly like his own.

            “Gloves . . .”

            Bear in mind that I did fall down the stairs and possibly received a concussion so my vision may not be so trustworthy. But I could see the faintest of a blush creep along Damien’s cheeks. “I couldn’t help but notice how much you seem to like my gloves and thought . . . I mean I know it’s not something glamorous or expensive and you were probably expecting something like a ring or necklace. . .”

            I took the gloves from Damien and tenderly pulled them on, admiring the snug fit. “Look, I’m sorry this was all I could give you . . . I know it’s not . . . I promise I’ll make it up to you—” I cut him off gently by grabbing his hands.

            “Look, we match,” I pointed out.

            He seemed to have calm down a little and really looked at me. “You’re right, we do.”

            “Hey. These look handmade.”

            “That’s because my mom made them.”

            “First, your mom brings me food and then she makes me gloves. I need to repay her somehow,” I said.

            “You already have,” he said.

            It’s quiet when I say, “Thank you Damien.”

He gives me this almost melancholy smile and leans forward to brush his warm lips against my forehead. I close my eyes and enjoy this moment.

The moment is broken when he breaks away and leans back in his chair.

“What?” I asked uncertain.

His eyes are almost accusing but his tone bears a soft touch. “Do you remember anything from that day?”

If I hadn’t known any better I would have thought nothing of the current situation. But being who I am, I know better.

“What do you mean?” I asked instead.

He breathed a heavy sigh. “I’m not a big fan of lying but it hurts especially when it’s coming from you, Amber. It makes me feel like you can’t trust me.” His head was in his hands.

I couldn’t bear to see him in such a defeated state and instead averted my gaze. I thought I should say something, anything, but I was at a loss of words. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Damien lift his head and look at me.

“So you really don’t remember anything before . . . you got hurt?” His tone was skeptical, I could hear it. But I still shook my head no and refused to look Damien’s way.

“Well, I remember. You know . . . I thought you were crying because of me.” I looked at him sharply before I could stop myself.

“But then you started shouting a whole bunch of things . . . almost like you were being attacked by someone. You kept saying ‘Let go of me!’ and ‘Don’t hurt me!’ I kept asking myself who is it? Am I the one causing you so much pain?”

I could feel tears begin to form in the back of my eyes. But before I had the chance to tell him he was wrong, he cut me off. “But then you said “Tristan.”

My heart stopped.

“Who’s Tristan, Amber?”

I can’t breathe.


The black gloves I held in my hands felt like cold weapons. “I’m sorry . . .”


I screamed and scrambled off the bed. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I couldn’t see where I was going. I was on the floor, clumsily backing away until my back came in contact with the hard wall.

‘Amber!” Damien rushed forward to help me, calm me, maybe, I don’t know. All I knew was I was scared and there was a table next to me. I reached high up to grab hold of something, anything, never taking my eyes off of Damien.

His gaze slowly traveled up the length of my arm, and his eyes widened. “Amber—!”

I grabbed a hold of something and pointed it threateningly towards Damien. It was a needle and syringe. “I’m sorry . . . I’m sorry . . .”

That’s when Damien started shouting. “Help! Somebody help us! Doctor!!”

I heard footsteps, and then a moment later, my doctor and two nurses came rushing in. “Is everything al—?” They stopped midway when they saw me in a delirious state. I was visibly shaking hard while Damien was clearly shaken as well. “Amber, hey there, sweetie, what happened?” The doctor tried taking a step forward and in response I panicked.

He stopped and tried a different approach. “Hey, do you remember me? I’m Doctor Mëndt. You remember me, Amber, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question but rather a statement, like he was so sure of himself.

My head started to clear a little and I nodded in recognition. But then I could hear the nurse faintly whisper to Damien. “What did you say to her?”

He whispered back. “I just said the name “Tristan.”

That’s when any inch of sanity back went away and I started screaming again.

Dr. Mëndt lost control and started shouting at the nurses. “Get the others . . . and get him out of here!”

I just kept screaming. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“Amber! Amber!” Damien was being dragged away by two nurses.

Tears were streaming down my face and the syringe was shaking so violently in my hand. At one point, I threw it across the far side of the room towards the window in frustration, and collapsed against the wall as the voices closed in, consuming me in darkness.

 Heyyy everyone!!!! So, here it is. Chapter 10 of A Time to Love!! I really like the direction this story is going in and I hope that you guys like it too!!! Let’s hope for another update soon!!! Thank you all soooo much for your never-ending support and just spread the word of my story so we can get it out there!!! VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW You guys know what to do!! <3

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