Seoul Academy

860 24 6

I woke up from the shining bright light that reflect from my window to my face. I got up and with my eyes half closed, i went tot the restroom and started my morning routine. I brushed my teeth and turned on the shower. After a few minutes i came out the shower i wrapped a towel around my head and body. I went to my room and started and grabbed my uniform that was on the chair all nice and ironed. I started changing, i took my sweet time since it was early. I checked the time 7:25 am. 

After i was done i blow dried my hair and did some wavey curls after. Once i was done doing my wavey curls i started doing my makeup. By makeup i mean i just applied my liquid eyeliner and mascara. I don't really like to cake my face up too much. 

'' Jisoo baby, hurry up. You don't want to be late on your first day of school'' 


 That's my eomma , Kim Ji-yun. She's an amazing mom,she's been there for me when i have problems wether there in school or out of school. She's actually the only person that i've been living with,well yeah she's my mom. If you're wondering about my dad,well long story short he left both my mom and i. He left us when i was 5 years old,since then my mom has been taking care of me,it's only us two. We actually moved here to Seoul, it's been about 3 days that we've moved in. 

We moved here because my mom has her own fashion company. We lived in the U.S but she said she wanted to start he company in her hometown. Once we got here she started looking for a school for me to go to, she had found one that wasn't too far away from the house,it was about 3 blocks away. She went to go register me,but i wasn't expecting them to accept me right away, it was like in the middle of the first semester, I'm a junior now so i'm kind of nervous about school since i just need one more year i need to take it seriously.


'' Ok ok'' i yelled from my room 

I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs. 

'' Finally, you were taking for ever'' she said 

'' Not even'' i said  checking the time

'' Yes even, i wanted you to eat breakfast but your not even going to have time.'' 

'' It's ok i'll just eat breakfast at school , or i'll just take a some fruit and eat in on the way'' 

'' ok then, come on i'm going to drop you off.'' she said as she got the car keys 

''You don't have to, just stay home and rest.'' Don't you have the day off today?'' i asked as i got a banana from the fruit bowl 

'' Well had, some of my workers told me that they need me there'' 

'' Wae, are you going to be home before i get back from school?'' i whined 

'' M-maybe i don't know'' she said

I walked out the front door a bit down,she's always working. I hardly see her rest,yes i appreciate what she does not only for herself but for me too. But ever since she started her company i hardly see her.

We got in the car and she drove off. We arrived at the school, Seoul Academy. 

''Bye baby, good luck on making new friends'' my mom said as she gave me a kiss on my forehead 

'' Thank you'' i replied as i gave her a hug. I was really nervous to go to a new school,but i mean how bad can it be right?

I got out the car and walked inside the school.I was greeted my a very nice lady, i think she's one of the staffs that works there. 

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