a creative name

17 4 4

I got tagged by et_ariel and  Jasmin_Como

-post the rules
-answer all thirteen questions
-you have seven day to complete
-ask thirteen more questions
-tag backs are all cool.
-give it a creative name
-say who tagged you

me answers: et_ariel

1: do you like group chats?

well, it's alright, but I don't talk to any of the people in the chat were in (although I would like to)
so I'm too scared to say anything.

2: what makes you laugh the most?

when my frens do stupid things.

3: how's the closet?

well my room is an add on so there is no closet.... nah, I'll be for real about it.
I don't feel like I NEED to come out, it's not like I'm pan or get, I'm still strait.
i don't know, I've said my sexuality to some of my friends before, and I'm not afraid to tell you all.

also I don't know if I'm demisexual or graysexual or if those are the same thing.

next question please...

4: current temperature outside.

81 degrees Fahrenheit

5: what kind of phone do you have?

we've been over this already, if you really want to know look at my last tag.

6: how weird are you?

I can be pretty strange sometimes.

7: what are you?


8: why do humans obsesses over things so hardcore.

idk, I fell like it gives them validation, but us aliens only obsesses over things just enough.

9: headphones or earbuds?

depends on the day.

10: jish or ty?


11: how many products do you use to get ready?

like seven.

12: color?


13: what weird animal would you make as a pet?


my answers: Jasmin_Como

1: how many tags have you done already?

I think, five.

2: do you take any medication regularly?

no, expected for my inhaler because I've got bad asthma.

3: what is the best ever?


4: would you let me throw your baby?

yeah sure, as long as you catch it.

5: are you in the stay street group chat, if so how amazing is it?

it's fun to watch, I barley ever speak up though.

6: I demand a picture of your beautiful face.

who me.... the person behind me.... who are you talking to.... oh, me, okay.

this is from when I went to NY, I look like an donkey sat on my face right now sssooooooo

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this is from when I went to NY, I look like an donkey sat on my face right now sssooooooo....

7: scale 1-100 how amazing is heathens?


8: will you be my best friend?


9: are you sexually attracted to kitchen hardware?

no, only sporks.

10: how is the closet?

my room is an add on so there is no closer, but my mom bought me one, but it sucks and it's really broken.

11: do you play an instrument, and what do you want to play?

I play clarinet pretty well.
here is a list of things I want to learn how to play.
piano, ukulele, guitar, drums, cello.
and my dad said he's gonna teach me how to play piano and bass guitar, and he has a bass guitar he want I give me.

12: Tyler doesn't want to be the ukulele guy, Tyler? Oh isn't he the ukulele guy?

was that a question, and...

13: is Joshua William Dun and angel bean or what? (he's mine though, don't go to far or we will FITE!)

I will fight you!!!! that little angel bean is mine!!!! he is my perfect little angel bean!!!!!!! get your hands off my man!!!!!

k. not that's over with.
I tag:





and anyone who wants to do it.

my questions:

1- how old are you (don't have to answer)

2-do you have any internet friends?

3- who is the nearest person to you right now?

4- do you want kids when you get older, if so how many?

5- on the scale 1-10 how awkward are you?

6- do you consider yourself emo, normal and colorful, or josh dun?

7- potato?

8- favorite movie?

9- are you a cat or dog person?

10- favorite thing about yourself?

12- can you speak another language fluently or almost fluently?

13- did you notice I skipped eleven?

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