Prologue: "This is Such a Cliché"

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Please excuse any typos, I tried to get them all but will get to any more ASAP.

You were walking in downtown Chicago; it was your first time there. You, your cousins who lived in Chicago, and your siblings had planned this trip about two weeks before. You'd gone downtown on school field trips, but had never actually gone and played the role of Tourist. And holy crap, it was fun. You'd just visited the Bean and was on your way to see Buckingham Fountain.

You started to lag behind your family, dragged down by the heat, your backpack, and the god damned long sleeved shirt you had decided to wear. Your family was slowly getting further and further away from you, but you were too lazy to try and catch up to them, and decided to put in your earbuds instead. 

With your head down and music blasting, you continued down the block and looked up when you reached the corner, to find your family already halfway down the next block. You panicked, not wanting to be left on your own in such a big place. So you booked it.

For about six feet.

Suddenly you found yourself face-down on the ground, your earbuds ripped out, your phone laying about two feet away from you, and a dull pain in your right leg. You looked up and saw a black van in front of you, and it took a second to register what was happening. You took a deep breath, rolled over, and propped yourself up on your elbows, pain shooting up and down your leg. Then you saw several people running over. Several men, to be specific. Seven men, to be exact. You recognized them immediately. How could you not? They were your favorite KPop group.

It took longer for you to register that it was BTS running towards you than it took for you to register that you had just been hit. Taehyung threw himself down next to you, worry smeared all over his face.

"I'm so sorry! I am so, so sorry! Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance? Is there someone I can call for you? Do you want me to call 911?" His words fell out of his mouth in a jumble of syllables. You lay there, speechless. "Can you hear me? Can you speak? This is my fault, what can I do to help?"

"Tae, lay off. Give her some space and let her breathe, she just got hit, dammit." You turned and saw Yoongi standing a few feet away, leaning against the van, his arms crossed. Taehyung stood up and backed away and you looked back and forth between the two, then looked up at the other five members of the group, who all looked just as worried as Taehyung. You struggled to find your words as you looked at all of them, and you knew that your face had turned red.

"M-My..." You stuttered; your mouth felt dry and your lips felt numb. You swallowed. "My leg... I have pain in my leg," you gestured to your right leg gently, and hissed in pain. Even a light touch triggered a reaction. A crowd had started to gather.

"Call an ambulance, someone. Please!" Taehyung kneeled next to you again. "I am so extremely sorry for hitting you. Is there anyone we can call-"

"Y/N!" You turned and saw your family sprinting over. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Taehyung stand up, just as your siblings threw themselves at you, wrapping their arms around you. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened? Are you alright?" Your brother, Victor, was speaking faster than usual, but you understood him, just like always. You reached for your phone. The screen was cracked, badly.

"I'm alright, I think. Help me get up." You said, and started to slowly push yourself off the ground. You felt an arm wrap around you and slowly lift you up, and you turned to thank your brother, but found yourself looking at Taehyung. "Oh... th-thank you..." You felt your face heat up.

"Are you alright? You look flushed," He grabbed your chin gently and you shook your head.

"I'm fine." You said quickly. "This is such a cliché. Am I in a fanfic?" You thought out loud.

"What?" Taehyung was looking at you, confused.

"Y/N... Who are these guys?" Your sister, Alisia, said, low enough for just you to hear. "They're pretty hot."

"They were in that van," you pointed "they're the ones who hit me. I think this one was driving." You whispered back. "You know that music I blast all the time that you hate? These are the guys who make it." Your sister's eyes widened and she went over to your family, just as the ambulance arrived. You walked over, leaning on Taehyung. The paramedics brought out the gurney and Taehyung carried you onto it.

"I am so sorry." He whispered for the fiftieth time as you were strapped in, then carried into the ambulance

"Is anyone going to be riding with her?" One of the paramedics called out. Taehyung nodded and raised his hand a bit, then climbed in.

"Get out. We're her family, we're riding with her." Your siblings were at the doors. Victor was looking at Taehyung with fire in his eyes. He nodded, defeated, and got out. As your siblings climbed in and the doors closed, you heard him yell something about following you.

+ + +

You woke up hours later, in the ER. Taehyung was sleeping in a chair by the door, your family nowhere to be seen.

"Hey." You called. He didn't move. "Hey!" His head raised up slowly, and he looked around, smacking his lips. "Where's my family?" You demanded.

"Um.." Taehyung rubbed his eyes. "Your siblings had to go and get your parents, everyone else had to go home." He sighed. "The police will be back tomorrow. I want you to press charges. It's my fault you're here."

"Listen..." Now it was your turn to sigh. "I'm not pressing charges. It wasn't just your fault. I ran into the middle of the damn street, for christ's sake. I wasn't paying attention, and I got hit because of it. It's my fault too. I should have-"

"Been more careful," you said in unison.

"It was my first time driving in this city.. in this country. I've only driven back home, but I convinced them to let me try here. Now they'll never let me drive again, anywhere." Taehyung laughed a bit. You smiled.

"I never told you my name. I'm Y/N." You held out your hand. He stood up and shook it.

"I'm-"  you cut him off.

"I know who you are. I'm a huge fan of BTS." You blushed. Taehyung laughed.

"I'd like to properly introduce myself." He shook your hand again. "I'm Ki- Taehyung Kim."

"It's nice to meet you, Taehyung." His name melted on your tongue like chocolate, and tingled after it left. You shuddered.

"Are you cold?"

"Nope, I'm fine." You pulled your blanket up a bit higher. Taehyung sat back down, and the beeping of the various machinery filled the room.

He broke the silence, "Let me make it up to you. I owe you for not wanting to press charges, and because, you know... I hit you with a van and all."

You shook your head, "You really don't have to do anything." He held up his hand.

"I insist. I'll buy you dinner." You opened your mouth to speak and he cut you off. "I'm not taking no for an answer, I'm going to buy you food anyways. And you're not allowed to complain."

"I guess." You mumbled and crossed your arms like a toddler.

"Good. Now, how does Chinese sound?"

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