Chapter 1

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I wake up to a loud noise coming from the living room. Oh no. Not this again. I get my phone and check the time. Its 3am. I get uo and go check what is causing the noise even though i already know what it is. 

I walk down the stairs quietly, hoping that they dont hear me. Why does this house have to be so big? My house is three stories tall and it takes forever to get down to the living room.

The noise is still going on and its followed by my parents arguing. As I get down to the living room, I stay as quiet as I can. Now I can hear clearly what they are saying.

"You dont mean those words, You're drunk Henry!!" My mom sobs.

"Your a skanky whore that never cared for me. Just shut up and get out of my fucking house! " My dad screams while throwing my moms favorite lamp to the ground.

"Henry do you not see what your doing? You making a mess and keep it down! The kids are still asleep!" My mom whisper yells.

"I dont give a damn about your kids! I never did! Take them and leave my fucking house."


"Yes you do, you're just talking out of anger!"

"Im sick and tired of you telling me what I'm doing!" Your have 5 minutes to get your stuff and get out."

"Henry you cant be serious. After all we've done, you should be the one leaving! You always come home drunk and mad for no reason. Ive had it."

"This is my fucking house and if you dont leave on your own im going to make you leave. Take your kids too. I hate them. They are gonna end up just like you. A cold hearted stuck up bitch.

"Listen, I'm trying to be calm but you just keep pushing it. Can we talk about this once your sober?"

"Whats the fucking difference? Im still gonna be the same guy I am today!"

While they are screaming at eachother my little brother comes and joins me.

"I just hate living here. This happens everyday and I'm about done." He quietly says. I shh him and keep listening.

"You never understand do you Madison! I could've been out right now but because of your jealous ass I'm right back here again!"

"Im not jealous. I care about you." My mom says quietly.

"If you care about me leave me alone."

I let out a loud sniffle and they both turn to me. Im dead.

"Liv honey go back to your room. Me and your father are just having a little arguement."

I sit there not knowing if I should stay to look out for my mother or just leave. I decide to not move.

That was a bad idea

My fathers evil eyes turn to me. He gets closer and closer untill he is in my face. "Did you not hear your mother?" He spits. "Go upstairs!" He yells and he looks over to Ricky. "What are yall still doing here!" "Go upstairs now!" Like we did before, we stay put. I pray to God hoping my brother doesnt say anything. That did help at all.

"No." Ricky says.

"No? Didnt your mom teach you not to talk back? Well if she didnt I'll show you not to talk back." he yells.

Then in an instant my brother is on the ground with blood covering his face. He's unconscious. I hear my mom crying in the background then I see my dad coming towards me. I quickly pick up my brother and  run upstairs without stoping or looking back. Once I get to my room I close the door and lock it. Thank god my dad didnt follow me. I'm  glad I can bearly hear them arguing from up here.

I put my brother on my bed and i take a look at him. The blood seems to be coming out of his head. I look for the injury and I see that his head has a big cut. I rush to my drawer to get a tee shirt and I gently dab the spot thats cut open. I hear him moan and I dab softer. Once most of the blood is cleaned up, I wrap the towell around his head and lay on my bed.

I start dazing off to sleep when I hear my mom scream. Without thinking, I run down the stairs.

When I get to the living room I see my mom on the ground and the front door wide open. I cant really see so I get my phone and turn on the flash light. I shine it on her face and its covered with bruises and blood. I get up to look for the light and I turn it on. I can finally see her full body. Blood is oozing out of her side and  she is slightly moving, but I know she's  not gonna be moving for long. I get close to her face and hold it against my chest. She opens her eyes for the last time and whispers something to me. She quietly says, "Honey I love you so much and I don't wanna let go, but I can't hang on anymore. Please take care of your brother, I love y... " And in an instant, she's gone.

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