Chapter 2

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Hi my name is Olivia Vargas. My life used to be perfect. I had everything. That was until my dad got a new job. Somehow everything just started going downhill after that. He would come home late every night. His breath would smell like booze. He got paid less and less and we started getting poor. That's when we figured out, my dad got fired from his old job, and didn't even tell us about it. I worked part time at a Chick Fil A close to us and my mom worked part time a Walmart. My brother was too young to get a job so we saved up the money for bills and clothes. We thought our dad was helping us. But he wasn't. He was just using our money to go to casinos and drink. My mom and I worked out asses off helping our family out and he didn't do shit. All he did was waste our money. He didn't care about his family. He never did.

*back to accident*

I called 911 as fast as I could, even though she was already dead. My dad left us, who knows where he went but I could care less.

When the man finally picked up, I told him the incident. Within 5 minutes the ambulance is here at the house. I told them my brother was upstairs and they went to go get him. My mom was already in the ambulance van, while my brother was being put on a stretcher. I get into the back of car with them and a woman is in there with me. I try to hold in my tears but I can't. I start crying, without stopping. The woman in there comes and sits next to me.

"Everything is going to be alright" she tells me.

"Nothing is ever going to be alright. Shes gone" I say between my tears.

"Shes not gone, shes right there." She says pointing to my heart. I honestly hate when people say that. It just makes it worse.

Maybe this is just a dream? My brother always told me you know when you're dreaming if you have extra fingers. I look at my hands. All five fingers. No more, no less.

Fuck. She really is gone.

As we arrive to the hospital. They carry my brother out and my mom. I decide to follow my brother because I already know shes dead so whats the point.

As im watching my brother in a small chair next to him, I fall asleep.

"Liv wake up, wake up." My brother says. Thank God hes okay.

It turns out my brother just has a minor concussion, nothing too bad, so we start walking out. But then we realize, we don't have a mom, or dad.

Out of nowhere a police says he needs to talk to us. Oh no. Please don't tell me we are going to have to live with my dad. Please no.

"Hello, my name is Randy. Im the Dallas Texas sheriff." He says. "As yall know, and it hurts me to bring this topic up as well, youre mom is gone. So yall know whats going to happen right?"

"Yes we know, sir. We are going to have to live with our father." My brother says.

"Uhm.." He says scratching the back of his head. "Not exactly. You see, we contacted youre father, and he basically put you two up for adoption." He says.

No. Not adoption. Anything but that.

"So we basically don't have parents?" I say.

"Well you do, you have youre dad. But he put you up for adoption. So as of right now, both of yall are orphans."

Wow. I cant believe my dad put us up for adoption. Wow.

All I can do is nod. Im in shock.

"All we have to do is fill out some paper work and y'all will be transported to the nearest orphanage. Im really sorry."

I nod. I look over at my brother and he just stares at the ground. The sheriff takes us to his office while we wait to go to the orphanage. 

"Are you okay?" I ask Ricky.

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