Smelly smell and loose dogs

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"Hey bells"
"Wanna do something fun!" I says getting up. Bella looks at me like I've gone mental. "Like what?" She says slowly "Let's bake a cake! Like a really big ass cake!" I say getting more and more excited! "You know you can't cook and I'm not calling he fire department and no super powers or whatever you call them." I huff and pout while sitting back down and crossing my arms. As I was going to retaliate my phone went off "yellow purple orange." I say into the phone "are you with Bella?!" Edward asks slightly panicky "yes why?" I say eyeing Bella who looks just as confused as I must look.
"Get over here as soon as you can and safely! No pit stops!" Edward hangs up the phone "your boyfriend is on his period but he wants us over there, says its urgent." I shrug and pick up a sleepy Rosie. Bella nods "bell it's gonna be fine, nothing could be wrong. You know Edward he's just a panicky old lady." I say trying to get her laugh which it worked with her letting out a small laugh.


As we get out of the car at the Cullen's place. I sniff the air because I smell a smell a smelly smell.
Vampire. And I think I recognized it...
"Bella get inside now!" I changed into my true self (aka vampire) I scan the woods trying to pinpoint the new vampire. "Is everything oka- oh shit GUYS!" Jasper yells to warn the others even though they can hear everything. Even me whisper "please just be Taylor Swift please just be Taylor Swift" under my breathe "what are you muttering about?" Edwerido comes up to me and asks. "I'm hoping its Taylor swift not a vampire that I might possibly know." I huff scanning the woods. The rest of Cullen's step out of the house to see a Esme step out of the woods "Is this the proper greeting to your mommy?" She snarls. Carlisle looks like he was gonna break down into tears if he could. "Go away bitch can't you see you already done enough damage." I speak up. "Shut up you filthy little cockroach!" She steps towards me" haha you said cock." I snort and elbow Jasper "she said cock" I laugh

  Esme grunts in anger "how immature are you?!" She asks/ states "very immature." I say skipping up to her and punching her nose having her fly back at least 50ft "Boop!" I laugh in a childish manner. I turn around to see everyone starring at me"what I just booped her nose."

Not what I planned //Jasper Cullen// Where stories live. Discover now