Chapter 4 of Y&I, F

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Kimora Dellway

admit it you like him -mind 

Okay fine I like Kevin Knight, happy now ?

"very happy," what the fuck ? did I said that so loud ? We were in a deep staring competition haha, 

"did I said that out loud?" I seriously asked, he nodded, I cover all my body with a blanket, 

"Hey, it's okay, I like you too," he said being all sweet, "I've like you, wait no I have love you from the day I lay my eyes on you," he added, 

"Whoa that's like 15 years ago," I muttered,

"Yep," he said, popping "p", he hugged me, I hugged him back, and we just stay like for the whole night.

I woke up the next morning, not so suprise to see Kevin still wraping his arms around my waist, to be honest, his face doesn't really look like those boys that wake up with a cute face, or whatever you girls call it, his face was actually fucked up, is like a tornado ruined it, haha I don't care, I grabbed my phone and search for the camera app, CLICK! I just took a picture of his face, "eep, priceless" and I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, change my Pjs with my running outfit, and went downstairs.

"Yo, Madison, can you tell  Kevin that I'm out running, and tell him to not wait for me," I asked my nanny, she nodded, and smiled at me, and I grabbed my bottle water, and started running outside the house.

I've been running for quite a long time, so I decided to head home, while running back home, someone covers my mouth, he dragged me to a small street, I look to his other hand, he have a knife, I bite his hand, struggle to go away from his painful hold, I didn't cry, don't want to cry, cause then he will know that I'm weak, after a 15 minutes struggle, I was finally out of his hand, but with a lot of cuts in my body, there was a lot of blood in my body, I look back to him, so that i could report him, he was wearing a green shirt, covered in blood stain, a black thing to cover his face, a jeans, and a nike sport shoes,

it was so painful,

I keep on running, 

running away from that guy, 

I kept running, finally I reached home, but I was so weak, I knocked my door once, then collapsed, 

Why is this world so cruel ? 

Kevin Knight 

It've been 2 hours since she went on a run, "Where is she, Madison?" I yelled at Madison, 

Me and Kimora have known Madison from the day, me and Kim were friends, she usually does the mom roll for Kim,

"I don't know Kevin, why not you look for her, I'll called the police," she said panicking, while I was already in the front door, looking at Kim's weak body,

"Change of plans, don't call the police but call the ambulance quick!" I screamed at her, 

Who the hell did this to Kim? 

I carried Kim bridal-style to the couch, her body is full of cuts and bloods, Madison was just staring at her, sobbing, no, its more like crying, I believe my face is red right now, who ever did this to my Kim, is going to pay for what he/she done, they will regret ever living in this earth.

We are finally in the hospital, "Kimora Dellway's family," the nurse said, me and Madison stand up, "Are you her family?" I nodded, "You may come in," 

"Is she going to be okay, doc?" I said, holding Kim's hand, while Madison is petting her hair,

"Yes, she is going to be okay, thank the Lord, the cuts were not really deep, but she is unconscious righ now, she will soon?" I nodded, that the doctor and the nurse left the room. 

Third person's P.O.V

In that room, Madison were crying, Kevin were just staring at Kimora, with a red face, clenching his jaw, and Kimora was just laying there, not moving, just breathing. Kevin and Madison fell asleep, then someone crept into the room, he was wearing a green shirt covered in blood stains, a black thing that covered his face, a jeans, and a nike sport shoes, this person have the a gun in his right hand, he walked slowly and quietly, what he didn't know that Kimora is now waking up, she doesn't dare to open her eyes cause she knew someone around her is awake, she peeked a little, to see the same guy that try to kill her earlier before, 

she doesn't care anymore if she dies, 

she knows everyone loves her, 

she just want all this things to go away, 

but she knows everyone will cry over her, 

her parents, 

her staffs, 

and of course her best friend, 

the guy's only focus is on Kimora, the guy only know that she is going to die next, but what he doesn't know that Madison is now holding the hospital's vase, right behind the guy, then the next thing Kimora knows is that the guy is laying on the floor, passed out, then Madison wake Kevin up.

Kevin Knight

I woke up, because Madison was shaking me, I see a laying body in the room, I checked my phone to see what time it was, it's still 3 p.m. the guy was wearing black thing covering his face, I opened the black thing to see....

Author's note :

I am so sorry but I want you guys to wait haha be patient okay? Well I wanted to asked you guys if you like this novel so far, do you ? leave comments below if you do, and vote, I'm entering Watty Award, but as soon as this book is done, that is why I'm updating everyday, except tomorrow. 

Why ?

Because my mom wants me to clean something, I know it sucks, but hey if you want to help feel free to come to my place haha JK 

so if you like this chapter give it a vote, okay ? okay 

well thanks <3 

I love you all xx

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