Chapter 6 Y&I, F

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Kimora Dellway

What a wonderful day to wake up at 6 in the morning to go to school, NOT! Kevin was waking me up, I opened my left eyelid, "What do you want !?" I yelled at him, while rolling myself to the other side of my bed, 

"What I want?" Kevin asked back, "I want you to be mine," he added, I froze, my mind took me on the day he kissed me, he totally is in to me? 

duh -mind

no way, we are best friends

whatever you said -mind

"Ha. Ha. Ha. real funny Kev, no really what do you want?" 

"I want you to get up for school," 

"No!" and I covered myself under the blanket, when suddenly I was up in the air, "AA, someone is tyring to kidnap me, AA" I screamed, though I knew it was Kevin, 

"Oh shut up, Kim, are you trying to make my ears bleed because of your scream?" he whined, I rolled my eyes,

"If it takes that to put me down, then yes, yes I'm trying to make your ears bleed, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA," I screamed my lungs out, he then put me down, "thank you," I said innocently, 

"ya-da ya-da, you almost make me deaf, Kim," he said, while taking a sit in my bed, "go, get ready,"

"Okay!" I walked to the bathroom, took a quick shower, then I went out of the bathroom, Kevin is not there anymore, I get dressed, then went downstairs, "BYE MOM, BYE DAD," I screamed and shut the front door, 

"ready?" I nodded, and pulled the seatbelt on. 

We arrive in school shortly, I was greeted by Flo's tight hug, "Are you okay, Kim?"

"right now ? no," she let go of the hug, 

"right, I'm sorry," I smiled at her, 

"It's okay," and turned myself to see Walker, "Whatsup ?" he nodded, Flo then dragged me to my locker, leaving Walker and Kevin in the parking lot, I got no time to say thank you to Kevin, cause they are no more in sight. "So are you in Walker now, dating?" I asked Flo while taking my Math book out of my locker, she nodded, "That's great, but if he harmed you or do anything to you, you know who to call?" 

"who ? you ?" I left out a small chuckled, 

"No, but Kevin," I slammed my locker, and walked to Math class, 

"Oh lookey here, the bitch is back," I glanced to my right to see, Janet Lynn, the school's slut, she'll sleep with any guy, any night, she ever slept with Kevin, Cole, and Walker, not because the boys want to, but because she begged for it, poor little girl,

"Oh well thanks for the compliment, its better than being called slut," I walked pass her, her jaw dropped, and everyone started laughing, our teacher didn't do anything about it, cause he knows which one was right, then Walker and Kevin stepped in the room, making all the girls, except me, to look at their side, Kevin sat in my left, while Walker sat beside my right, now Janet gave me a glare, I chuckled, 

"Alright, lets get started shall we ?" the teacher said, and he started to write number in the chalkboard. 


2nd period has ended, I tossed my Biology book to my locker and walked slowly to the toilet, I tied my hair to a messy bun, I was about to leave the toilet, when Janet walks in, and she stopped talking to her minions, then look to me, "Listen here, Kimo," I didn't bother to let her finish her sentence cause I was already outside the toilet, I can hear that Janet's grunt, I ignored then walked to the Cafeteria, I took a sandwich and payed for it, then took a sit in the popular's table, I didn't see Janet and her minions here, such a relieve, 

"Whats up guys," Flo, Walker, Dylan, and Kevin, look at me, "I was wondering if you want to come and spent a month with me in Hawaii ?" all their jaw dropped, except Kevin's, "My parent are being nice as always, and they want me to go on a holiday with them, they also say I can bring my friends," I stopped for a minute to drink, while their mouth still wide open, " I decided, I'll ask you guys to come with me, my parents is going to pay for everything, don't worry," I added, they immediately close their mouth and smiled at me, 

"We would love to come with ya !" Dylan commented, "When are we leaving ?" he asked, 

"This weeked," I say with confident, 

"How about school," Flo asked, 

"My parents will take care of it don't you worry !" then they finally agree and started talking about what are they going to do there and bla bla bla. 

Kevin Knight

All our friends were so excited to go, they are all throwing their luggage in the cabin, we use Kimora's private jet to get there, unfortunately it takes us 8 hours to be in Hawaii, I sat beside Kimora in the plane, she was reading a novel with an earplug in her ears, I looked at her beautiful face, oh how I really want to kiss her lips, those pink, smooth, and kissable lips, "Dude are you okay ?" Walker interupted my thoughts, 

"Um yea, why wouldn't I be ?" I said, 

"nothing man, I wanted to asked if there is water here, my water ran out," he asked, while holding his bottle, 

"Not sure,"

"Alright then," and he went back to his seat, which is beside Flo, I still can't believe they are dating, I thought Flo likes me, nyeh she wouldn't even have a chance with me, I search for Dylan from my seat, I finally spotted his hair, it was beside a brown hair, who could it be? I decided to walk to him, when I finally reached his seat, he was sitting beside, Liz, Kimora's cousin, what is she doing here, 

Liz used to like me, but I think she's over it already, I smiled at Liz, she smiled back,

"What are you doing here?" Dylan asked,

"Can I borrow your earplugs?" it is true I need to borrow his, mines, I left it at home, 

"Um yea sure, here," he hand me his earplugs, then I walked back to my seat, seeing Kim who is know sleeping, I kissed her forehead, then put on the music, 

this is going to be a short ride, I sighed, wish it could be longer, then I drifted to sleep.

Author's note :

Yes there is new characters, Liz, Kimora's cousin, and Janet, Kimora's arch enemy haha, so yea the next chapter will be in Hawaii, it will be exciting (: 

so if you like it, vote, comment, and then follow me ! 

Thanks x

J xx

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