Playing Roblox #1

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So I was in my room with my computer slacking off like usual, and I see the Roblox icon on the corner and I figure out, why not use it, I click it and it says it was updating. When it was done updating I had forgotten my password, and nick name(as usual) so I create a new one. After signing up, I go to one of my favorite games on Roblox RoCitizen. Once again I was startin of zero, I noticed the way to earn money was by going to the place and standing in this blue circle to start the shift. I stand in the one of Noburger or something like that, and I started doing the burgers, fries, ect. After a while more people come, this one person took one of the burger I had already finished doing. Trying to hold my self back from saying something inapropiate I go in a corner were I could see the orders, the place to put the orders in, people working and boxes, and thats when you know stuff start to go to hell. I stand there and watch the person who stole my burger. She was making a drink, from there I was able snatch the drink and place it where the orders that were done were taken. She though it was a glitch(or ignored the fact someone stole it) and continued to make another one. As she continued I kept stealing her stuff and getting ALL of the money to my self, it looks like she got tired of it and left, at that point I had already like $513 I didn't want her to leave.

I started making burer for like 2 minutes then got bored -_- , so I again started stealing everybodys stuff and getting all that money to my self, again. People were starting to get pissed off, and searched at who could possibly be the one stealing all their stuff, sadly for them, not me, they never found out it was me. After a while there were like three people in the kitchen, onenof them was making a drink and I took it quick but in the place I always put the stuff I couldn't because there was someone in the way, so I put it behind me which was a terrible mustake coz the person found out and took it, they left it on the table while they got a straw to put on it, then I took it quickly and got the money, they walk behind me and you that RoCitizen has tis options:

Nod, shake, wave, clap
Laugh, cry, cheer, tantrum
Slap, trip, slip

After the update trip didn't work. Well she choose slap and started slapping the hair but she was getting closer to the back of my head, she failed since it didn't damage me, but then on the chat she started saying it was me the one stealing the food and taking the money, in no sec. everbody stared at me and left the kitchen. At THAT point I has about $1143 by doing nothing but stealing people's food.

After two or three minutes a new person joined the server, he was like a noob, he had no expirence. So I was there chilling in a corner and this new guy walks in and starts looking at the order, he makes a burger BUT leaves it at the counter, he makes fries AND leaves then in the counter he keeps doing food but not turning them in, I couldn't stand there and wait for him to do it, so I got every single order he made and turned them in. He didn't notice and kept doing this mistake for several minutes, after a while he left thinking he had made a lot of money, he did, but that the money you get for every hour. I was there like PLEEEEEAAASSSEEEE! DON'T LEAVE ME I tried to get a friend request sended to him since I wanted more free money but he had left already. I was there crying for hours, and hours like whyyyyyyy. XD

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