Jealous Stepsister

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In theater arts class, Hugo and Sophia were really excited. The theater teacher, Dr. Xavier, announced, "Fellow boys and girls, I have good news. We're going to put on a play of Disney's Robin Hood!"

Everyone was really excited, especially Sophia and Hugo. Dr. Xavier handed out scripts of the movie, and Sophia could hardly wait to get started.

Jade still had one more class in two hours, but Sophia was done for the day, so she drove back to her apartment.

"Hey, sweetheart, how was your first day?" Garrick asked.

"It was great, Daddy," Sophia beamed. "I got back together with Hugo!"

Garrick couldn't be any happier for his daughter. "Oh, how wonderful!" he exclaimed.

"I hope it's okay if he comes over this afternoon," Sophia said.

"That's fine, sweetie," Garrick said. "I haven't seen him in a long time."

A little later, Hugo arrived at the penthouse. "Mr. Rosen, long time no see," Hugo smiled.

"It's good to see you, my son," Garrick smiled back. "You don't know how happy I am to know that you're back together with my daughter." He was happy to know that his daughter and her boyfriend were back together.

An hour later, Jade came home.

"How was school, Jade?" Sharon asked.

"Sophia reunited with Hugo Hollister," Jade said sadly. "It turns out he was her ex-boyfriend, and now they're back together."

"Oh, I know—they both seem very happy," Sharon said.

But Jade wasn't happy.

Jade was on her way to her bedroom when she heard Hugo's voice coming from Sophia's room. Sophia and Hugo were talking and laughing together. Jade was green with jealousy. She just didn't understand why Hugo was so happy to be with Sophia, especially since they broke up two years ago.

Sharon saw how unhappy Jade was, and she was concerned for her daughter. "What's wrong, my little emerald?" she asked.

"Mom, why is Hugo so happy to be with Sophia?" Jade asked.

Sharon sensed that Jade was jealous of Sophia because Hugo was her ex-boyfriend and they were happy to be back together again. She wanted to help Jade handle her jealousy.

"Well, Garrick said that Hugo and Sophia broke up before she went to Arkansas State University two years ago," Sharon explained. "Sophia was really sad to leave Hugo, so that's probably why they're so happy to be together."

Jade understood what her mother meant, but she still wished Sophia stayed broken up with Hugo. She wanted Hugo for herself, but her stepsister had stolen him right under her nose.

While Sophia and Hugo were doing homework, they were rehearsing for the play tryouts. Hugo was auditioning to play Robin Hood, and Sophia was auditioning to play Maid Marian.

Hugo read in the script, "Ah, Your Ladyship, begging your pardon, but it's an honor to be shooting for the favor of a lovely lady like yourself. I hope I win the kiss."

Sophia read in the script, "Well, thank you, my beloved archer. I wish you luck with all my heart."

Jade was eavesdropping on the rehearsal, and every giggle coming from Sophia and Hugo seemed to deepen her green enviousness. She didn't know why Hugo was so happy to be with Sophia.

"I'm so looking forward to tryouts this Friday," Hugo smiled.

"And I'm looking forward to watching Disney's Robin Hood in theater arts class," Sophia beamed. "Remember when we played Robin Hood when we were younger?"

"I remember," Hugo swooned.

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