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The next day was Saturday, and it was snowing when I woke up. I was the first one up, so I quietly made my qay down to the common room, planning to wait for Fred, George, and Lee.

I got bored after about an hour,  and decide to wake them up.

I walked up to the first step towards their dormitory,  and thought should I be doing this?

Oh well. They would do the same thing if they could get to my dorm.

I walked up the steps, and when I got to their dorm, on of they boys in my year came out of his dorm across the hall. It was Dean Thomas.

"Cora, what the heck are you doing up here?" he asked, shocked at my presence.

"Waking up Fred, George, and Lee." I replied.


"I've been up for a while waiting for them and I got bored. They are getting up."

"It is six in the morning. "

"And I've been up since five. They will wake up."

"Whatever,  if they hang you, you can't say I didn't warn you."

He walked down the steps, leaving me to my daring plan.

I walked into their room, and shook Lee awake first.

"Five more minutes." he mumbled, not knowing who it was.

Then I shook Fred, and got the same results.

When I woke George up, his response was different.

"What time is it?" he asked, still half asleep.

"It is six ten and you guys will get up. I have been waiting for you for an hour." I replied, keeping a straight face.

"Bloody hell Cora! Why are you in here?" George asked, sitting straight up after figuring out who I was.

"I've been up since five. I got bored of waiting for you." I replied innocently.

"FIVE?! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Lee exclaimed. He was only awake because of George's outburst about it being me.

"Shut it Lee. I'm trying to sleep." muttered Fred.

"Come on Fred, I'll get you up too." I said, shaking him awake again.

"Bloody hell! How did you get up here? We can't get into the girl's dorm to wake you up!" Fred exclaimed, finally getting up.

"Boys are less trustworthy than girls when ot comes to that, smart one. I'll be in the common room waiting for you guys to get dressed, but if you're not done in ten minutes, I'll be back up. At least one of you has to come within ten minutes." I told them, walking out.

When I got outside their door, they started to fight over who would be the one to come out within ten minutes,  and which two would sleep longer.

"George,  you should go. She's more of friends with you then us! " Lee argued.

"Yeah George." Fred said sleepily. "If you hadn't suggested she join our group, we wouldn't be up this early, so you go."

"Fine." George replied.

I sat in the common room, and a few minutes later, George came down the steps.

"I still can't believe you were able get me up this early." he laughed, shaking his head. Percy just happened to be in the room as well.

The Malfoy in Griffindor  A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now