Chapter 6

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"When the war has took its part, when the world has dealt its cards, if the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart."

Aiden watched as they locked eyes and Nick froze for a moment, cold hatred flashing in his eyes as he took a step away from Kyle.

"Just stay away from me." He muttered, and walked away. (Good luck with your mate, Kyle.)

Aiden moved to call out to him, but Kyle held him back.

"He needs time to himself." Kyle said, though he was obviously hurt.

Aiden huffed and shook his head, placing his hands on his hips.

"This wouldn't have happened if we just told him we were-"

"And what, push him further away?" Kyle mimicked his gestures, shaking his head in disapproval. "You know he isn't ready to hear it, Aide. He obviously isn't used to friendship, we can't rush him into love."

Aiden huffed again.

"Do you always have to be mature?"

"I have to make up for your lack of it, don't I?"

Aiden swore, Kyle was a meanie. (At least Nick thought Kyle was an immature kid... Okay not funny.)

"Well, we have to tell him eventually. How do we do that when he doesn't even wanna talk to us anymore?"

Kyle scratched his head and shrugged. Aiden hummed in thought.

Yes. It was a brilliant idea.

"Why don't we kidnap him?"

To Aiden's disappointment, the final plan did not involve a kidnapping. At least, Kyle was convinced it wasn't a kidnapping. In Kyle's words, they were simply "borrowing Nick for the weekend with parental consent". (Even if it was against Nick's will.)

To be fair, they did give Nick the rest of the week to himself. (Meaning they stayed away from him as soon as he sent a glare their way.)

Today, though, they would have him all to themselves. (Insert evil cackle.)

Aiden rang the doorbell of Nick's house at 6.30am on a Friday morning, all dressed and ready for school. He put on his best charming smile (at least, Kyle told him it was charming, he wasn't sure what the cringe meant though) when the door was opened.

"Oh, Aiden! It's been so long, I didn't know you were back in the country!"

Of course Nick wouldn't talk about Aiden. (Meanie.)

Mrs Carter had aged, blue eyes reflecting her exhaustion, and her wrinkled skin sending a pang of worry straight through to Aiden's heart.

Mrs Carter was too young for wrinkles.

"Hello, ma'am. I've just moved back this week, how have you been?" He leaned down to press his lips to the back of her hand, charming man that he was.

She laughed easily, carefree in spite of what she'd been through.

"I've been good, Aiden. Have you come to see Nick?"

Aiden nodded and beamed, looking over her shoulder as Nick slowly came up behind her, glaring daggers at him silently and narrowing his eyes in a discreet attempt to get Aiden out of his house.

"I was wondering if Nick would be able to stay over at my place for the weekend, so we can catch up on the past few years?"

"No!" Nick exclaimed, looking away when his mom sent him a questioning look. "I mean, I have to help out with the housework."

Mrs Carter laughed and ruffled his hair. (Ha, who's the kid now?)

"It's fine, sweetie. I'm sure the two of you have a lot to talk about. Aiden, you'll make sure my son is taken care of?"

Aiden nodded and smiled at Nick, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out. He then slapped a palm to his forehead.

"I almost forgot! Where's Chris? I haven't seen him at all since Monday-"

"We're going to be late." Nick snapped (well, someone got off on the wrong side of the bed) and dragged Aiden away before he could finish.

"But we're twenty minutes early! I haven't seen Chr-"

"Just shut up!"

And Aiden did.

He just couldn't understand. Why wasn't Nick talking about Chris at all?

Back when he first met Nick, he wouldn't go anywhere without his brother, wouldn't even dare to talk to Aiden too much until Chris approved of him.

Nick and Chris were inseparable.

They had a rule, a mantra of sorts, that family always stuck together. Aiden initially intended only to befriend Nick, but eventually ended up forming an unbreakable bond with the two brothers.

That was, until he had to leave two years ago. So many things had changed, and he just couldn't wrap his head around it.

Just what happened in his absence to make Nick as paranoid as he was today?

Oh well, Nick would tell him eventually.

School had ended and Aiden was lounging in the backyard while Kyle prepared the guest room for Nick's arrival. They were in a cabin not far from the pack house, with only a few trusted guards to keep them safe and secure their privacy. (They were going to need a lot of privacy if things worked out as planned.)


Aiden sighed. Kyle had been freaking out for the past hour over the smallest details of the guest room.

'What is it?'

'What's his favourite colour? Is he okay with the bed facing the door or should I move it?'

Seriously, it was a guest room for the weekend, not their wedding hall.

'He used to like silver and he isn't particular about the bed so just leave it.'

'SILVER? Where do I find silver paint?'

Aiden facepalmed. He could only hope he wasn't this paranoid when it was his turn to find his mate...

Who was he kidding? If Kyle the big bad alpha was losing his shit over a guest room, Aiden was going to be ten times worse.

'Kyle, it really doesn't matter. All he needs are the bed and the bathroom necessities. Besides, he already thinks you're stalking him, don't you think he'll be creeped out if his room was customised according to his personal preferences?'

There was a moment of silence over the pack bond before Kyle eventually replied.
'You know, you actually made sense. Are you sure you're okay?'


Aiden was surrounded by mean people.

What did he ever do to deserve this?

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