Chapter 7

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"I know you've suffered, but I don't want you to hide. It's cold and loveless, I won't let you be denied."

The room was ready, the whole cabin cleaned so many times there was not a single speck of dust anywhere-

Kyle sneezed, and looked up.

"We forgot the roof. I can't believe we forgot the roof!" He threw up his hands in frustration. Aiden had left early to fetch Nick because there was nothing his mate could do when his mother was there to see him leave the house. Kyle found it adorable, the way Nick would do anything to keep his mother happy, even if it meant he had to stay with them for the weekend. Honestly, Kyle couldn't see how this trip could go wrong.

He could feel it though, as he sneezed again. The roof needed to be cleaned before Nick arrived, which could be any minute now, and he was still not dressed for the occasion. He was confident of his looks, but he did not want to be seen in boxers and an apron.

There was only one way the roof would get cleaned as he made himself presentable.

He turned to face the two elite guards who were tasked with their security.

"Greg, Henry, get the roof cleaned, I don't want to see a single speck of dust on there. Nick is arriving very soon, so just get back in position as soon as you see him. Make sure he does not see you. Am I clear?"

They nodded, and Kyle ran to his room to get himself changed. He was halfway into his jeans when he smelled his mate. He smelled his mate!

It was indescribable, so addicting yet so faint he needed to get closer to his mate. He couldn't believe he missed out on this addiction for five days.

Kyle had never hated a cold as much as he did now.

He shrugged on his jeans with haste and all but ran outside to greet his mate. Nick's scent was so strong now, he felt himself getting lightheaded. He wanted nothing but to hug his mate and breathe him in for eternity.

"Good afternoon Nick!" He smiled at Nick, not oblivious to the fact that Nick had been checking him out for a second.

Nick rolled his eyes.

"Good afternoon." He muttered, turning to Aiden. "Are you going to show me to my room, or am I going to be sleeping here on the floor?"

You'd be sleeping with me, if I had it my way.

Down, wolf!

Aiden led him to the guest room, dread clear on his face, and Kyle couldn't help sniffing as they walked past him. Aiden didn't have much to worry about, though. Kyle had ultimately decided to give the room a design similar to his own back at the pack house, so Nick had one less thing to adjust to.

He just hoped Nick would be able to adjust to his love.

Dinner was a quiet affair, with only Kyle and Aiden at the table, Nick having claimed to not be hungry. Maybe someday they could have dinner together, at home. LIke a family.  


They had finished breakfast and were lounging in the hall, Kyle and Nick on opposite ends of the couch as Nick tried to get as far away as he could from Kyle. Aiden had left to shop for groceries, giving them alone time like the loyal Beta he was.

Of course, they were never truly alone. Greg and Henry watched in the shadows, always ready to protect them.

Kyle couldn't stop staring at Nick, memorising his every feature, the way he would shift ever so slightly in self-consciousness, the way he looked at everyone with emotionless eyes, as if everyone around him was not worth his time or attention.

Kyle also noticed the glares Nick sent him every time he was caught staring.

Nick was cold, with a hardened heart and a soul so sharp and barbed it could cut into anyone who wasn't careful. He'd built walls around himself so high nobody could break them down, but Kyle saw the turmoil that boiled inside, the hatred and the hurt, and the yearning to be loved.

Or maybe it was just a normal reaction to his mate, Kyle wouldn't know.

What Kyle did know, however, was that he wanted his mate, all of him, not a shell of the boy he should be. And Kyle would bring him back, no matter what it took.

Black eyes met his, burning with confusion and anger as Nick glared at him, not looking away when Kyle dropped his gaze with an apology. Kyle shifted, uncomfortable under the stare of his mate.

Nick raised an eyebrow.

"How does it feel to be stared at for no reason at all?"

Well, he made a good point.

"I'm sorry." Kyle was ashamed now. Aiden's idiocy was rubbing off on him, to think that he'd caused his mate discomfort for the few days they'd known each other. "You're just too beautiful."

Goddammit, Kyle!

Nick blushed and looked away, taken aback by the comment and Kyle had to resist cooing. Seriously, Kyle? He's your mate, not your baby!

Shut up, wolf.

"I'm far from beautiful." Nick stumbled over the last word, as if the very meaning of it was foreign to him.

Kyle leaned towards him, tucking a finger under his chin and lifting his head to meet Kyle's, noticing the small gasp Nick let out as sparks flared once again.

He was so close to his mate, the scent and the sparks were sending his mind into overdrive.

Nick frowned.

"Did you just sniff me ag-"

Kyle crashed his lips against his mate's, relishing in the feeling of closeness, using the element of surprise to dive into Nick's mouth and taste.

The taste was addicting, as was every other thing about Nick.

Kyle needed more, and so he reached behind Nick, tugging on his hair and Nick let out a moan he'd been trying to hold back, slowly returning the kiss.

If this was a dream, Kyle never wanted to wake up.

All too suddenly, Nick placed his hands on Kyle's chest to push him away, distaste flashing in his eyes as he hastily got off the couch and ran out the door, bumping shoulders with Aiden who walked in with the groceries.

Aiden looked to Kyle questioningly, but all Kyle could manage was a shrug as he held his fingers to his lips.

Aiden sighed, placing the bags on the floor.

"I'll go talk to him."

The door was shut, and Kyle was left alone with the lingering scent of his mate in the air.

As Kyle sat frozen on the couch, he couldn't help but wonder if the flash of distaste in Nick's eyes was aimed at Kyle, or Nick himself.

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