Chapter 3: Fateful Encounters

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Lucy's POV

"Luce. Hey! Wake up weirdo!" My eyes  fluttered open, as yawn escaped my lips. I looked up at the source of the voice.

"Natsu?" I yawned sleep masking my voice. A smile stretched across his face, then he busted out into full out laughing.

"Haha! Your face!" He exclaimed. Half asleep I reached up to my face. Confused from not feeling anything I brought my hand down. "Haha Lucy!" Then my eyes snapped open wide, and I jumped up.

"NATSU! What did you do?!" I yelled running to the bathroom. On my face I had in all capital letters the word WEIRDO on my forehead, and a bunch of little drawings along with a mustache. I turned on the water and tried to scrub the stuff on my face. Some of it came off, but most just smudged making my face all dark. Natsu's booming laughter would most likely be the cause of me getting yelled at by my landlady later. I walked out of the bathroom arms crossed looking at the laughing dragon slayer laying on my bed.

"You are so dead." I said in the darkest voice I could make. Natsu looked up and gulped.

"You know I kinda need I don't ya' at the guild!" Natsu spoke then jumped out of the window. I sighed again, and plopped down on a chair. I need to go on a job, or I'll get kicked out of my apartment.

"Ugh." I sat up and got ready to go to the guild, and to get the rid of this stupid black marker on my face.


"Natsu, we're going on a job." The said pinkette looked up. I had picked out a job that looked easy enough it probably last for around 3 days. It was to go and get rid of some thugs around Crocus seemed easy right? It only was a 50,000 Jelew reward, but I needed anything I could take, and the others in team Natsu didn't want to take a job. I had already told Mira that this is the job we would be doing, so he's doing it whether he wants to or not.

"When ya' get so bossy Luce? But okay what'd ya' pick out?" Natsu questioned and I showed him the paper with the job.

"Crocus, huh? Okay let's go." Natsu said standing up. Once he was standing I smacked the back on his head. "What was that for?!"

"You called me bossy." I stated and walked towards the door with Natsu following me.

"C'mon Happy!" He yelled at the blue exceed who was currently trying to give Carla fish while the white exceed who was refusing.


"Ughhhhhhhh," Natsu moaned holding onto his stomach. It had only been ten minutes, and Natsu had managed to barf five times already. This was going to be one long ride.


When we finally got to Crocus Natsu immediately ran off the train, and onto the street. I smiled and walked over to where he was. Happy flying beside me.

"Okay, we have to go" I looked down at the job request. "A Mr. Fuyu residence on Sakura Lane." I said more to myself than to the boys. Happy and Natsu looked at each other then nodded.

"We're hungry." Natsu and Happy said at the same time.

"Really guys? C'mon we can get food later." I said grabbing Natsu's wrist and Happy's foot.


"So those guys stole some gems from you?" I asked Mr. Fuyu. He was a tall man with snow white hair, and he had this cold kind of aura around him a lot like Gray does. He had some kind of important gems that were stolen by some thug. They didn't know if the thug was a wizard or if he was just a average person.

"Yes, but these gems have been in my family for generations and are very valuable, please return them to me," He looked at Natsu." In one piece."

"Hey! I'll get 'em back not broken!" Natsu protested crossing his arms in a childish way. "And I'll get that guy!"

Get 90 votes and I'll try to get chapter 4! And I know I suck at writing :P


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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